Chapter #27: The dealers

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Aria POV

After Jea-ha scolded me and I started crying, Lili dragged me away by the arm and promised to not let me go anywhere. She told Hak and Kija that me, her, Tetora and Ayura would go to another inn with a spa and a hot spring. Obviously, I agreed and a few hours later, me and Lili are sitting in a nice hot spring while eating delicious snacks.

"Ah, this is really nice" I said and leaned backwards, slowly going deeper into the spring.

"Yeah, I usually go here to get away from all the drama involving my father..." Lili said and drove off into her thoughts. We sat in a comfortable silence until Tetora spoke up.

"I'll go and get some more snacks" She said and smiled at us. I nodded and closed my eyes, leaning backwards. I could hear the soft footsteps from Tetora while I tried to push away the thoughts that something bad is going to happen. I decided to brush it off by talking to Lili.

"So, Lili, tell me about the water tribe"

Third Person POV

Tetora walked down the corridors to get more snacks. She heard a commotion in a room next to her and got suspicious. This hot spring is usually so quiet, so what's the fuzz about?

She slid the door open and the commotion stopped. In the room were a few men, and the smell inside the room spread into the corridor. Tetora tried hard to not look shocked or cringe when she realized what the smell meant.

"Forgive me, it would seem as though I have entered the wrong room" She said calmly and  closed the door. Before she was finished though, a man ran towards her. She deflected his attack by punching him in the stomach and turning around to run. Before she was able to though, she felt a large pain in her back and realized that someone had pierced her with a sword. She fell to the ground. The plates that she had been carrying fell to the ground, making a large sound as the split into a hundred pieces.

Aria POV

Me and Lili have gotten out of the spring and into some comfy kimonos. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of plates breaking. Ayura and Lili probably heard it too, because Lili stopped talking and and Ayura stood up.

"What was that?" Lili asked.

"Someone probably dropped some plates, nothing to worry about, Lady Lili" Ayura said, trying to convince Lili to sit down again. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and started walking towards the source of the sound.

"Aria?" I heard Lili's voice behind me, and soon the footsteps of two people. I continued walking until I saw Tetora laying on the ground, with a large wound on her back. Lili let out a worried scream and ran up to her. I looked behind them and saw three men with smirks on their faces. I put two and two together and realized what must have happened. After that, everything went fast.

I grabbed a nearby sword off the ground and ran towards the men. One man attacked me with his own sword, but I deflected it.

The hot spring made my body so relaxed, I almost can't move properly!

I continued deflecting blows until I heard a man coming up behind me. I gasped and tried to turn around, but I was too late. A sword slashed my back and I felt a wound create itself on my back. I let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

"Aria!" I heard Lili's voice behind me. My clothes got heavier because of the blood and I tried to stand up. A man tried to stab me again, but instead I heard him fall to the ground. I smiled when I saw Shin-ah get in front of me.

"Aria...!" I heard him mutter. He gritted his teeth and I realized that he had seen my wound. He killed anyone who tried to come near us until only two men stood in front of us. They looked shocked beyond words and got ready to retreat. I slowly got up with a sword in my hands and cut one man across the forehead. The newly made wound and the scar he had before looked like an x. He screamed and I fell to the ground again.

My clothes are so dirty now

" cursed woman! How dare you make another scar on my face?! For now, I will retreat and plan my next move. But I swear on my entire being that I will hunt you down and see you die in agony before me!"

Ah, I made him mad

I heard Lili crying and Yoon trying to stop the bleeding from my wound. I heard Zeno say something about me and Tetora before black spots covered my sight.


I'm so done with school, goddamn

It's so cold here like I'm going to be shocked if don't get sick after being here.

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