Chapter #4: Hiryuu castle

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Aria POV

Before Soo won and Joo doh went away for the night, I asked Soo won for some books. He told me that he would get some maids to get them for me, but it's the next morning now and I still haven't gotten my damn books. I decided to take things into my own hands. I put on some clean clothes that would be easy to move in and drank some water.

I stood up and opened the door to my room. I carefully went out and walked past many doors. I saw many maids and other people that work in the castle. All of them bowed when I walked by, but I didn't care. Occasionally I would smile at them, but I had another goal.

I want my books

I walked for a while until I got to a quieter area. I looked at a big pair of doors. Since it was quiet, I thought that it was the library. I slowly opened the doors and looked inside. There was four older males sitting around a table. I didn't recognize anyone of them, so maybe they were just guests at the library. They looked at me with surprise and I stared right back at them.

"Please excuse me" I said and went in, closing the door behind me. I walked up to a nearby bookshelf and started looking through it. It was silent until a man with a small fan and very nice clothes broke the silence.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me, rather mad. I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm looking for books, isn't that what you do in a library?" I said and looked at them. Everything was silent until a dark man with a ponytail bursted into laughter. I looked at him, confused, and waited for him to stop laughing.

"This isn't a library" A man who was wearing a beanie looking hat said and drank his tea.

If that ain't me

"Who are you?" The man that talked to me first asked. Wait, I recognize those clothes. Those look like Tae-Jun's clothes...

"Erm, I'm Destiny" I said and their eyes widened.

"Destiny? The one king Soo won was talking about?" The one who laughed at me before said. I nodded and looked at them weirdly.

"How do you know Soo won?" I asked them and they looked at me with confusion.

"I'm Lee Guen-Tae, General of the earth tribe."

"I am Kan Soo-Jin, General of the fire tribe"

"I am An Joon-Gi, General of the water tribe"

"I am Mun-deok, elder of the wind tribe"

I widened my eyes and looked at the generals. If these are the generals, then they must know Hak! I need to be careful with my words from now on....

"Oh, I didn't realize. I'm so sorry" I said and bowed.

"All is well, but according to Soo won, you had hurt your leg. Is it well now?" Mun-deok said and sipped his tea. I stopped bowing and looked at all of them again.

"Yes, thank you for asking" I said and smiled like an idiot.

"What about now? Will you stay here and become Soo won's wife or what?" Guen-Tae asked. Soo-Jin and Yoon-Gi choked on their tea and I looked at Guen-Tae, dumbfounded.

"No, I need to get back to my friends" I simply said.

"Where are your friends? I could arrange for someone to get you there" Soo-Jin suggested. Oh god

Should I tell them about Hak? No, what if they take me as a hostage and try to kill Hak? Wait, Hak said that he lived in the wind tribe. If i can get there, i can probably get in touch with someone. And wasn't Mun-deok his adoptive father? I can ask him for help!

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