Chapter #11: The light in the most spoiled of hearts

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Aria POV

The next day, Tae-Jun came back dressed as a villager. I guess it was so that he could blend in even better. But I didn't know, since I wasn't the first one to meet him today.

Flashback - 1 hour ago

I was helping Yoon with making food for the children of the village when Jea-ha and Kija came.

With Tae-Jun

"Aria, we found an intruder" Kija said and let go of Tae-Jun, who had been carried by Kija's dragon arm.

"He says that he is an ordinary mercenary, but he looks suspicious" Jea-ha agreed and looked down at Tae-Jun, who was now on the ground. I ran up to him and helped him get up, surprising both Jea-ha and Kija.

"This is the son of the general of the fire tribe, Kan Tae-Jun. He has helped these past two days with the village, he is not an enemy" I explained while Tae-Jun brushed the dirt off of his clothes. Kija's and Jea-ha's mouths turned into an O-shape.

"What's with your hand?!" Tae-Jun asked Kija, horrified. Kija turned to him and held up his hand.

"I am the owner of the dragon hand, the white dragon" He said. So formal.

"W-what? The dragons are just a legend" Tae-Jun said and stood behind me. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"No, they aren't. Two of them are standing right here" I said and pointed at Jea-ha and Kija.

"But anyway, Tae-Jun, you're back!" I said and took his hand.

"Let's go around the village and help people!" I said and dragged a blushing Tae-Jun behind me.

- End of flashback -

And now I have invited him to eat dinner with us. He gladly accepted, and we had fun helping Yoon make the food.

Until Hak and the others came back.

"What do you mean he's eating with us?!" Hak shouted at my face. Our faces were only centimeters apart, yet he spoke like I was ten meters away.

"Stop screaming. And yes, he's eating with us. I asked Yoon and he said that it was okay" I said and sat down next to Yoon. Hak turned to him with a glare.

"I said it was okay because she offered to help me with the food" He said and I smirked. Hak turned to Tae-Jun.

"You. How do we know that you aren't a spy?" Hak asked him. Kija and Jea-ha agreed and started questioning him. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Now, now, stop asking him all of these questions and let's just e—-" I started before something fell out of Tae-June's sleeve and into the fire. I leaned over and tried to grab it. It lit up and something flew into the sky and exploded. If Shin-ah hasn't dragged me away from the fire, it would surely have hit me.

"Thank you, Shin-ah" I said and he nodded. I turned to Hak, who was holding his Quan dao to Tae-Jun's neck.

"Hak! Stop!" I said but he didn't move. On a closer look, he was angry. I realized that Jea-ha had gone away, because he landed next to Hak and looked at him.

"Fire tribe soldiers, a lot of them. They're coming here" He explained and his expression darkened when he looked at Tae-Jun.

"You bastard. You signaled the soldiers?! Was this your plan all along?!" Hak screamed at Tae-Jun. He looked at me with a sad expression.

"Aria, please, I didn't mean to light the firework. If you let me go, I can tell them to fall back" He told me and I thought about it. If he was going to capture us by calling the soldiers, he wouldn't try to tell them to fall back. He would stay here with us and let the soldiers come...

All right, decided.

"You think we'll let you go, just like that?" Jea-ha asked him with a wicked smirk.

"We're going to keep you here as a hostage and tell them to fall back" Hak said and pressed the Quan dao closed to Tae-Jun's neck.

"Or I could kill you right here and now" Hak said with the same wicked smirk as Jea-ha. This is bad, I should stop them.

"Hak, Jea-ha! Let him go" I shouted at them, making everyone turn to me.

"What?! He's trying to kill us!" Yoon disagreed.

"He's right, Aria" Kija said, agreeing. I went up to Hak and tried to remove the Quan Dao from Tae-June's neck. When I didn't succeed, I turned to Hak with a deadly glare.

"Hak, remove the weapon. Now!" I ordered him and he slowly removed it. I turned to Tae-Jun with the same glare, making him jump.

"Tae-Jun, we will go hide in the forest on the outskirts of the village. Meanwhile, go and tell the soldiers to fall back." I said before turning around and looking at everyone else.

"Everyone, we're leaving" I said and everyone started packing. I smiled and turned around to face Tae-Jun, only to find him gone. I closed my eyes and turned my head up to the moon.


Another chapter :))

Also, if Aria closed her eyes and smiled, how did she know that Tae-Jun dropped something in the fire?


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