Chapter #16: The war between the tribes (PT. 1)

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Kan Soo-Jin POV (vote if u expected that)

What is this?...He must have figured it out...

Or perhaps...

The thought angered me.

Did that girl in the capital see what I was going to do and told Soo won?!

I calm down and smirk.

It does not matter anymore, for I will kill the fake king Soo won and take what rightfully belongs to the fire tribe. Hiryuu Castle and the title "King"

"Fire tribe soldiers! Give me the false king Soo won's head!" I ordered them and they roared in response and attacked. I saw the sky tribe army do the same and smirked.

You will die, Soo won

Soo won POV

I looked down at the fire tribes troops and realized that there were not only fire tribe soldiers there, but also soldiers from Kai Empire. I glare at the troops.

I see, so Kan Soo-Jin must have worked with Li Hazara behind my back to kill me and take the throne.

I turned to Joo doh, who was right next to me on his own horse.

"Joo doh, are the sky tribe and earth tribe troops ready?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, your majesty"

I turn forward when I hear Soo-Jin shouting out orders to his troops. After some shouting, his and Li Hazara's troops charge forward. Joo doh signals our troops to charge, and so the two troops charge at each other before clashing on the middle of the battlefield. In the corner of my eye, I can see some soldiers closing their eyes while looking away, some of the are also chasing. I sigh.

Many people will die today

"Joo doh, we should start with the plan" I said and he once again nodded.

Third Person POV (so sorry for all the perspective changes 😅)

The war continued and soldier after soldier soon fell to the ground, finishing their duty as a soldier of their beloved tribe. But deep down, they know that they did not want to fall in a war against the people of their own country.

For Kan Soo-Jin, the war seemed to be going according to plan. As long as the soldiers of his tribe continued fighting, he will definitely win.

—is what he thought.

Screams, more than before, started in the middle of the battlefield. Kan Soo-Jin and Li Hazara could not understand what was happening, until a soldier came up to them and told them what was happening. The sky tribe had used the fur of giant tigers on their horses to trick the fire tribe soldiers. Using their fear of the giant creatures, Lord Joo doh and the sky tribe soldiers had charged and defeated many of the soldiers.

"It looks like you have to stop underestimating that king, Soo-Jin" Li Hazara said with a smirk. Kan Soo-Jin clenched his fists as the soldier from before start talking again, his voice coated with fear.


I look down at the now shaking soldier as he starts speaking.

What is he doing?

"L-Lord Kan Soo-Jin, Please excuse my rudeness but don't think it's time to tell the troops to fall back and retreat back to Saika? The sky tribe has already taken out one third of our troops and if this continues we will—" He was silenced by me. I used my sword to cut his head off. The soldiers that had been watching our conversation were now shaking with fear.

"L-Lord Kan Soo-Jin!" One of them said.

"I will not retreat and make the fire tribe look like some kind of coward tribe! As a loyal fire tribe soldier, you do not cower back because of fear! You fight for your tribe until the end and you show respect for me, your general! We will fight to take back our castle; the castle of King Hiryuu, my castle! That is what makes a true fire tribe soldier!" I shout and watch my soldiers shake with fear.

"By making your tribe betray their king and turn against him and then get help from an enemy country, I think you're the biggest coward of them all" A light voice with a lot of confidence say a bit further away from me. I turn to face the owner of the voice only to see two familiar faces. I smirk.

"Lady Aria"


This is longer than it thought it would be.



im really tired

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