Chapter #9: The villages of the fire tribe

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Aria POV

After we left Capital Fuuga and the wind tribe behind us, we began our journey to the fire tribe. After a while, we came to a very poor village. Just as Mun-deok had mentioned, there were no young men there. Only elderly, women and children. Everyone was very skinny, probably from the lack of food. Yoon made food while Hak, Jea-ha, Kija and Shin-ah helped the village with different chores. Zeno and I went around and cheered everyone up.

"Don't look so sad miss! Yoon's cooking will cheer up!" Zeno said and patted a little girls head while pointing at Yoon, who was giving everyone some food. The girl smiled and ran towards Yoon. I smiled and clapped my hands together.

"All right! Let's keep cheering people up!" I said with confidence while Zeno chuckled. In the corner of my eye, I could see Kija lifting up a large log with his dragon hand while the villagers were looking at him with ave. I also saw Hak.

He looked pretty bored

Kan Tae-Jun POV

"Tae-Jun" I heard my brother say. I turned around and looked at him.

"Yes?" I said, annoyed.

"Stop lazing around" My brother said and I stood up.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I said with a high tone. If he wants me to do something else then just laying around, then he needs to tell me what to do!

"Maybe stop thinking about Destiny and actually do something productive" He answered and looked through a window. I felt my cheeks burn and I turned away.

"Something productive?" He asked him and he turned back to look at me.

"I've been getting reports from many soldiers who were going to collect taxes from the villages. They have reported that a bunch of villages have been claimed by a group of bandits that call themselves 'The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch'" He explained.

The dark dragon and the happy hungry bunch?

I held back a laugh and looked at him to see if he was serious. He coughed in his hand before continuing.

"In any case, these bandits have made it hard to collect taxes because they always chase the soldiers away from the villages. I need you to capture these bandits and take them here" He said and turned around.

"Where are they now?" I asked him.

"I've heard that they are planing to go to a village in the south, a little bit before the border between the wind tribe and the fire tribe" He told me and walked off.

I guess I'll look into it.

Aria POV

We have been in this village for a while now and it's time for us to leave. We packed up our things and got ready to leave when a child took the sleeve of my clothes. I looked down and saw her smiling.

"Thank you so much miss for all of your help!" She said and laughed. I smiled at her. Then a boy came up behind her.

"Which one of them is your partner?" He asked and giggled. My smile slowly faded and I heard someone choking. I turned around and saw that Kija's face was all red and that Jea-ha was smiling.

"That would be me" He said and threw his arm around my shoulders. I eyed him suspiciously and got out of his embrace.

"See that squirrel on the masked man's shoulder? That's my partner" I said and smiled while Hak punched Jea-ha in the face.

-Time skip-

We were able to get to the next village in a day, and I was met with a surprise.

While I was looking in a bush for some berries to give to the children, I heard rustling. I realized that someone was in the bushes and my reflexes hit me like a rock in the face. I jumped out of the bush and ran towards Yoon who was standing a bit further away. But when I took my first step, someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the bush. I used all of my strength and dragged the person who took my wrist out of the bush. Laying there on the ground was none other than—

"Tae-Jun?!" I exclaimed. He looked up at me and slowly got up.

"Destiny? What are you doing here?" He asked me while brushing the dirt off of his clothes.

"I could say the same to you" I said and looked around for anyone else. I saw Hak approaching me so I waved at him. His gaze traveled from me to Tae-Jun and his expression darkened. I looked at him oddly and turned to Tae-Jun, who looked terrified.

"Lord Tae-Jun, what brings you here?" Hak asked with a wicked smirk.

"T-T-Thunder Beast..." Tae-Jun answered. I saw Hak taking out his Quan Dao while walking towards me and Tae-Jun.

"Hold up, do you two know each other?" I said and grabbed Hak's arm to stop him from hurting Tae-Jun. Hak stopped walking towards him and looked at me.

"He shot a poisoned arrow at me, ordered his guards to kill me and pushed me off of a cliff" Hak explained and I gasped dramatically. I looked at Tae-Jun and saw that he was on the ground.

"I'm so sorry! Those were my father's order" He defended himself. I looked at him and then smiled.

"It's fine. Sometimes - when Hak is really annoying and perverted - I want to push him off of a cliff too" I said.


"Anyway, back to my original question, what are you doing here?" I asked Tae-Jun, once again. He turned his face up to look at me and then slowly got up.

"I was instructed by my brother to look for a group of bandits that have made it very hard for the officials to collect the taxes from different villages" He said and I felt my smile slowly fading away. He looked at me oddly.

"Huh? What's wrong Destiny? Anyway, King Soo won probably wouldn't want you to get involved in this, I could take you to the castle right if you would please follow me—" He said and reached for my hand.

I don't think so

I slapped his hand away so hard that it made a loud sound. The sound made Kija, Jea-ha, Shin-ah, Zeno and Yoon turn around and look at us. I saw that they started walking towards us but I shot them a glare which made them stop. I turned back to Tae-Jun and looked at his surprised expression.

"Kan Tae-Jun, what if I told you....that that particular group of bandits...

was my group?"


Another day another destinyyyyy

Oh and I just re-read the manga (the part where Yona confronts Soo won and Kye-Sook)

It still is absolutely amazing

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