Chapter #3: Lost and found

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Aria POV

I must have fallen asleep sometime when we were on our way to this "Hiryuu castle", because I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I sat up and looked around. There was no one except me. Next to me was a glass of water and some herbs. I took the glass and drank the water before trying to stand up. A stinging pain in my leg made fall flat on the floor with a loud 'thump'. I heard footsteps in the hallway and the door being carefully opened. There stood a boy with a bandana tied around his head, holding a pile of bandages and fabric. He saw me on the floor and ran up to me.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" He said and turned me over so that I was laying on my back. He saw my wound and gasped. I looked down myself and saw that i had reopened my wound. Blood was all over my leg, my clothes and on the floor. I noticed that someone had changed my clothes to a white kimono with a grey sash tied around my waist.

He carefully ripped up the dress part of my kimono to reveal my bandaged leg, now dripping with blood.

"We need more bandages!" He shouted to some maids in the hallway and they ran away to get the bandages. The boy took away the bandage and put it to the side before washing away the blood from my leg. The maids came with the bandages and he started wrapping the clean bandages around my leg. When he was done, the maids helped me get into a new kimono and I sat down on a chair. I saw the boy packing up the bloody cloths and my old bandages.

"Who are you and where am I?" I asked him and eyes him and my surroundings suspiciously. He looked up at me and smiled.

"My name is Min-Soo, you're right now in Hiryuu castle in the capital of Kouka" He said and my eyes widened.

"And why am I here?" I asked him and he explained that when Tae-Jun got to the castle, he was welcomed by Soo won and his advisor. I had already passed out so they helped me to a room and then some maids put me in a kimono and took care of my wound.

My mouth went into an 'O'-shape and I nodded slowly. I looked at my leg.

If this becomes a scar then the fire tribe can expect a lawsuit. Actually, is that even a thing? Or do they go directly to execution?

The door slowly opened and I looked up. I saw Soo won, Joo doh and a dark haired guy in purple clothing. Soo won went up to me and sat down next to me.

"Destiny! What happened to you?" He said and looked down at my leg with worry.

"Oh, this? You see, an arrow was shot by someone and I was so surprised that I fell down from a small cliff. I ripped up my leg and then I passed out while the son of the fire tribe helped me here.." I explained and looked at him. He looked like a mix of anger and worry.

"Do you know who it was that shot the arrow?" Joo doh asked me.

This little shit is talking to me like he wasn't trying to kill me a few days ago...

"No, but the son of the general of the fire tribe was there...not that I'm suspecting him!" I corrected myself. Joo doh looked at me quietly while Soo won gave me a calming smile.

But his eyes were anything but calm.

Yoon POV

Hak and Kija are pacing around our camp while Shin-ah is using his eyes to look for Aria. Jea-ha was looking for here too, since he had his legs. According to her letter, she was supposed to be back three hours ago. Since she wasn't back, Kija started panicking and Jea-ha jumped into the sky to look for her.

Shin-ah came back and sat down next to Zeno. Hak and Kija immediately asked about Aria's whereabouts, but Shin-ah shook his head. While I took out my map, Jea-ha landed in front of Hak and Kija. He said that some fire tribe soldiers had talked about Soo won taking in a wounded lady in the castle. Hak clenched his fist and punched a tree next to him. He probably thought that Soo won, the man that killed the previous king, had kidnapped Aria.

"Damn!" He whisper-shouted and slowly retrieved his hand. I looked on the map for a while and then looked up.

"This cliff is between the fire tribe and the wind tribe, maybe she went to one of the tribes?" I said and Hak looked up.

"The wind tribe was my hometown before I became King Il's body guard, we can look for help there" He said and started packing up. Ten minutes later, we were on our way to the wind tribe.


This chapter got deleted 2 times :)

Oh and do they have glass in Akatsuki no yona? I don't think I've seen windows out of glass but who knows haha :))

Anyway, thanks for reading! Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #4: Hiryuu castle

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