Chapter #32: The King's surprising action

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Aria POV

He slowly pulled away, only to see my beet red face.

"Soo...won?" I didn't know whether to be mad or happy that he kissed, so I settled for confused. He looked away with a slight blush.

"I'm sorry....all that talk about wanting me to be safe....Aria, I want to protect you too" He said awkwardly. I smiled at him.

"I see..." I said and suddenly felt incredibly tired. I got down from the window and tucked myself in a bed.

"Good Night, Soo won" I said and he smiled at me.


I need to get away from Soo won with Lili.

I tried to look around the street we were walking on, but I couldn't see anyone.

Why do I need to get away from him, you ask? Well....

Flashback to about 7 hours earlier

I woke up to the sound of people talking. I recognized the voices of Soo won and Joo doh. I was about to get up to tell them to shut the fuck up because I wanted to sleep, but what they said stopped me.

"What if he appears again?" Joo doh said. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.


"Yes, what if he tells more people? They might try something"

"You're right. Next time I see him, I'll kill him and anyone that finds out and has plans to try something" Soo won said and I froze. They're going to kill Hak. They're going to kill Hak.

But 'anyone who knows', me included? What about Lili?

I looked at her and listened to her peaceful breathing. I started feeling sick at the thought of her breathing stopping. I looked at my necklace to calm down.

My father gave me this, knowing that this would happen? To have something like this, he must have been an important a king. Wait, he can't have been the king that Soo won killed, right? According to Hak, that happened many days ago, and my father disappeared years's probably not true, but one thing is clear.

I need to get myself and Lili away from Soo won

Flashback ended

We continued looking for Hiyou until I almost screamed in happiness. I saw a familiar white mask and took Lili's hand. I dragged her and myself without a sound towards them and smiled at Yoon.

"Did you miss me?" I said and looked around for Hak. When I saw that he wasn't there I sighed in relief and let the others hug me.

"When we got your letter, we got really worried! Aria, are you all right?" Kija asked me and I nodded. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.

"Who are these people, Lili?" Soo won asked suspiciously.

"These people are Aria's friends, they are traveling entertainers" Lili answered with a smile, making me and Soo won sweat drop.

Traveling entertainers? Is that what we are?

"I see...." Soo won said and gave us a closed eyed smile. Joo doh looked around and I gave him the "are-you-actually-serious"-look, which he noticed since he stopped looking around.

"Miss! You're back!~~" I heard Zeno shout behind me and jump on my back. I cringed in pain but smiled at him.

"Who's this?" Soo won asked and looked at Zeno. Zeno turned to him and just stared. I kept a calm expression. Does Zeno know?!

"Zeno's name is Zeno!" He said and smiled playfully. I laughed quietly and awkwardly put my hand on my sore back. Lili gasped.

"That's right! Soo won, I need you to protect Aria" My eyes widened at Lili's words and so did Soo won's.

"You see, I'm perfectly fine, but Aria is hurt. That's why we're hunting down Hiyou" She continued and I realized where this is going.

This is bad. The last thing I need is Soo won knowing about my injury.

"Hurt?" Soo won said and looked at my with a worried expression. Joo doh looked quite surprised as well.

"Lili" I said. She didn't hear me. Or she ignored me, I don't really know.

"Yes. This Hiyou man, he attacked us at a spa some days ago" Lili said with a sad expression.

"Lili, stop. Now" I said in a louder and darker tone, but she still didn't hear me. But Soo won definitely did.

But the asshat won't stop asking us shit

"He attacked you? Did you suffer any dangerous injuries?" Soo won asked us. Lili nodded her head sadly.

"Yes. Tetora was stabbed and Aria was cut over her back" Lili said and my eyes widened, both in anger and in fear. Anger because what she did and fear in what he might do.

"Lili, that's enough!" I almost shouted, but this time everyone heard me. But it was too late. I panted and tried to control the anxiety that was building up inside of me.

"Aria, are you okay?" Lili said and looked at me in surprise. I finally got myself under control and sighed.

"I'm fine Lili, let's just continue to look for Hiyou. If everyone here has the same goal then we should split up" I said and glared at Soo won.

This is so childish, I'm acting like Amber

"Alright. We'll go with Lili" Soo won said and smiled at Lili. I panicked.

"Soo won, get away from Lili. What are you trying to do?" I said darkly and once again glared at Soo won. He looked at me with a surprised but dark expression.

"I don't understand what you mean" He said with a dark voice that would make anyone back off. But not me. Not now.

"Alright. Then I'll go with you too" I said and smiled innocently at him. His good mood came back and he smiled innocently at me.

"But Aria, he's worried about you too! One of us should go with you too" Kija said and looked at me with worry in his eyes. I smiled at him.

"He?" Soo won said. I almost rolled my eyes. Keyword, almost.

"He? Oh, you mean None"


"None of your business. Zeno, will you go with me?" Soo won looked surprised with my attitude, but I didn't really care. I turned to Zeno, who grinned at me.

"Of course! Zeno will protect you!" Zeno said and hugged me. Kija still looked a bit worried, which Zeno noticed.

"Kija, I swear on the yellow dragons name that I will protect Aria" He said quietly, so that Soo won and Joo doh wouldn't hear him. Kija looked surprised and then relieved.

"Alright, then I'll leave our master's safety in your hands, Zeno" Kija said before we went our separate ways.


Amber is one of Aria's friends in her own world. I'm actually thinking about writing a book for her, a Seven deadly sins fan fiction :)

BUT ALSO, MERRY CHRISTMAS! 🎁🎄 It's pretty late but whatever, I hope all of you had a great Christmas and will have a great New Year's Eve.

see you all next year lololol

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