Chapter #42: The Yellow dragon's power

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Guys I'm sorry I just realized that I forgot to post yesterday, we were going him by plane so I forgot to post after we got off :(( sorry again, please enjoy this chapter as an apology 🙇‍♀️

Third Person POV

The dark haired ex general swung his spear around on the battlefield, killing everyone in sight. But even a moron could see that the constant swinging caused his arms to get more and more numb.

Dammit, I can't raise my arms up anymore, he thought as he continued to tiredly swing his blade around. His blade stopped in front of a soldier. The soldier fell to the ground to his surprise. Behind him stood a familiar beast.

"White snake....!" He said as the white haired man continued to kill soldiers around him, the ex general eventually joining in.

"What are you slowing down for? You've grown weak" The white dragon said.

"You have a fever" The ex general said.

"It went down a long time ago. It's not a problem anymore"

"Kija, Hak, watch your heads!" A man soaring above shouted before throwing down small blades that hit the soldiers. Below him was a masked man with fur covering the back of his head. The dark haired man stared at the men before him.

"Why aren't you running away?! You death tottering idiots!"

"We're tired of sleeping and spending our days doing nothing. We can do this, right?" In the distance, a woman and a young boy could be seen running towards the chaos.

Aria POV

"Yoon, look....they're...-Kija and the others
-...they're..." I said as I watched Kija, Shin-ah, Hak and Jea-ha try to fight off the soldiers.

"They're overdoing it! They're in no condition to be fighting like that!" Yoon exclaimed. Soldiers kept coming but I couldn't do anything except stare.

Is this what people mean by "frozen in fear"? I need to help Hak and the others before they—

My thoughts were cut off when Kija's arm was cut. I gasped and tried to call out to him, but he was able to kill the soldier. His shoulder was cut by another soldier.


"You did it! Now finish him off!" The soldiers words made me pull my bow out and draw an arrow. I didn't have time to aim, so the arrow only hit the soldier in the leg. He screamed out in pain, and Shin-ah was able to cut him down. But Shin-ah was already exhausted, and a soldier poked his spear through Shin-ah's back. Not all the way though, thank god. Shin-ah cut him down and looked around him.

Kija is hurt, Shin-ah is also hurt and Hak and Jea-ha are almost passed out.

I prepared another arrow, but I didn't know where to aim. Suddenly, Shin-ah removes his mask.

"Shin-ah!" I tried to scream, but it came out as a pathetic whisper.

"Shin-ah, Stop! If you release your power in your condition..." Jea-ha tried, but Shin-ah fell to the ground.

"N-now! These guys are at their limit! Slice the villagers to pieces" A soldier screamed and the whole army turned and ran towards me and Yoon, who were standing in the way towards the village. I released the arrow, which hit the nearest soldier.

"Aria! Yoon! Run away!"


"Wait, Aria, what are you..."

"Isn't it obvious?! I'm going to kill them!" I said, making some of the soldiers laugh.

"Miss, stand back!" I heard a voice behind me. I swiftly turned around to look and saw Zeno.

"Zeno?!" I exclaimed and watched as Zeno jumped and shoved a soldier off his horse. Another soldier came up behind him and cut his back. I called out to him and tried to ready an arrow to fire at him.

"Miss, run away!" Zeno shouted again. I pulled the bowstring back and aimed at the soldier behind Zeno.

"Zeno—" I tried, but was stopped by the soldier. He pierced Zeno with the sword and Zeno coughed up blood. I felt my blood rush through me and I released the arrow, which hit the soldier in the chest. Zeno's body slowly slid off the sword and he hit the ground. Some of his blood splattered on my face.

"!" I said over and over again, as if it would magically bring him back to life. I put my hand over my mouth to stop my lunch from making a reappearance.

"A woman...are you a woman?!" I could hear a soldier ask as he got off his horse.

"Aria!" Yoon exclaimed and got in front of me, only to get shoved away.

Pathetic. I'm pathetic. I couldn't move because I was scared for my own miserable life. I couldn't save Zeno because I was scared.

"Come, woman" The soldier's voice snapped me out of it.I ran towards Zeno and hugged his body. Tears started to spill out of my eyes as I sobbed loudly.

"Zeno...I'm so sorry...that this had to happen to you....all because of me....and my lack of power..."

"I said come, woman. Clinging to a corpse won't save you" The soldier said. I felt something rise up inside of me. Anger? Sadness?


"That's right....If Kai Empire's army wasn't filled with such useless, pitiful and stupid excuses of soldiers, Zeno would be alive" I muttered, loud enough for the soldiers to hear.

"What the hell did you just say, woman?" The soldier said and pointed his sword closer to my throat. I grabbed ahold of my sword and swung it towards him, making him back up.

"I said, if Kai Empire's army wasn't filled with such useless, pitiful and stupid excuses of soldiers, Zeno would still be alive!" I repeated, louder. I fell back to my knees when the soldier pushed me towards the ground. I got up and sat next to Zeno again.

If only I had more power...Zeno....maybe I could have saved you from these lunatics!

I felt a hand touch my cheek.

"Don't cry" I heard Zeno's usually happy voice, but now it's hoarse.

"" I said his name and felt tears run down my cheeks once again.

"Yeah. Sure enough, it must be because Hiryuu castle is far away. I'm healing slowly" Zeno said and slowly stood up.

"Miss, it's all right. The Ouryuu won't die. I am the dragon that was born to be King Hiryuu's and your shield" He said.

King Hiryuu? He can't be talking about my dad....can he? I thought it was just a coincidence that the castle the King lives in is called Hiryuu castle, but...

"If Ouryuu, your shield, protects you, you will never be injured"


Fun fact: that part where Aria was pulling the bowstring back was inspired by AmaLee's cover of "Guten no Yumija"


i get it no one cares

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