Chapter #20: Two kings, two generals and a son

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Aria POV

I blinked two times to see if they were really there.

"King Soo won! What are you doing here? And brother too?" Tae-Jun asked them. I blinked yet again and looked at Tae-Jun.

Brother? So this is his brother?

"Oh right. Brother, King Soo won, Lord Joo doh, this is—"

"Aria, we know. What are you doing here?" Joo doh asked suspiciously.

"I'm helping the village, what does it like like?" I asked and gave him a teasing smirk.

"How do you know this person, your majesty?" Kyoga asked Soo won. Poor guy, he doesn't know me.

"This is Aria, she's a good friend of mine. She used the name Destiny when we first meet in a forest outside of Awa. But I thought you went with your brother in the wind tribe? Why were you on the battlefield?" Soo won asked me with a dark expression. Tae-Jun looked at me with a surprised look.

Good friend? Haha

"That's what I want to know too. A weak girl like you couldn't possibly be able to defend herself on the battlefield" Joo doh backed Soo won up. An irk mark appeared on my forehead as my smirk disappeared.

"Excuse me, but my shoulder still hurts because YOUR soldier grabbed so hard that I thought it would break. And for your information, I protected myself just fine. Also, why are you so mean to me?" I snapped back and put my hands over my face to make it look like I'm crying. Everyone froze and looked kind of uncomfortable so I guessed that they have never been in this situation before. I smiled and took my hands away.

"Just kidding~ anyway, I'm strong enough to defend myself. Kind of. Probably. Not" I continued. Soo won sweat dropped.

"Aria, my brother and I are going to talk, but you aren't moving. I'm going to ask you later about your appearance on the battlefield" Tae-Jun said and walked away with his brother. An awkward silence passed through until Soo won spoke.

"Aria, I know that you probably don't know this, but I am the—-"

"—king of Kouka. I know. I also know about" I finished for him. He and Joo doh were shocked. Their eyes widened and they looked like they were at a loss for words.

"" Soo won asked me.

"I travel with someone you...knew, I guess. I never knew King Il, nor am I that intrested, so I won't ask you about your intentions. I'm only focusing on making Kouka a better country" I told them. Man, watching all those historical/fantasy animes really made me good when it comes to talking formally.

"I see...I'm glad we think the same" Soo won said, still slightly shocked. I smiled.

"Yes, I—"

"Aria, we need to head back or the others will start to worry!" I heard Yoon shout behind me. I turned to him and smiled.

"Alright, I'm coming!" I turned back to Soo won and Joo doh.

"Tell Tae-Jun I needed to leave,...goodbye" I said, muttering the last word and turning around to go to Yoon. When I walked to Yoon, I could hear Soo won and Joo doh talking behind me. However, it doesn't really matter to me.

We need to figure out where to go next


I don't know if Joo doh was a bit OOC :/

Also, school is being a bigger bitch than usual since we have this huge test in biology about the human body and stuff, so I've been studying 24/7 which means I've been unable to write. But don't worry, I'll be back on track on Saturday and I still have some chapters I've written a while ago :)

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