Chapter #28: Recovery

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Third Person POV

Shocked was an understatement for what Hak, Kija and Jea-ha felt when they saw what had happened to their friend.

A white cloth surrounded her back to stop the blood from flowing as she laid on a futon.

"I'm so sorry...some men attacked Tetora....and then Aria tried to defend her and then—" The daughter of the water general continued sobbing, unable to speak. Her second body guard put her hand on Lili's back and comforted her.

"Aria...what the hell were you thinking?" Hak said and took the unconscious girl's hand in his (A/N: this is so cheesy like I can't stop giggling).

-Timeskip because I have no idea what to write-

Aria POV

- In a dream (dreamland, if you may ;)) - I?

I looked around and saw darkness. Everywhere. On the ground, the walls, the sky.  All of a sudden, I heard the sound of hitting. I turned around and gasped.

The four dragons

I walked up to them and realized that they were hitting themselves. Why..?

"...What are you doing? Stop!" I exclaimed and put my hands on the back of two dragons. They were white and blue.

Kija and Shin-ah?

"Then those two must be Zeno and Jea-ha..." I muttered and looked at the other two dragons as they stopped hitting themselves and cried instead.

Are they beating themselves up about what happened?

I smiled at them and put my arms around them, hugging them.

"Please do not blame yourselves. I was the reckless one" I said and watched as they turned to me and stopped crying. We sat in a circle and hugged each other.

"I'm alright, not cry..."

- End of dream -

I woke up to a strong light shining on my face. My eyes closed as a reflex and I tried to turn around, only to feel a huge pain on my back. I cried out in surprise and tried to go back to my old position. I heard someone come in though the door and recognized the person as Hak.

"Aria, you're awake?" He asked, surprised. He helped me sit up and gave me some water. I realized how thirsty I actually was and drank it all. After that, Hak put the cup down and went to get the others. I tried to lean against the wall, only to slowly slide down and hit the ground.

Of course

I watched Hak come into the room along with everyone else.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Yoon. When did all of you get back?" I said and looked at Hak, Kija and Jea-ha. They all looked hurt mentally, especially Kija and Jea-ha. I smiled sadly at them.

"I'm fine, really. Look, watch this" I said and slowly got up from the ground. They all gasped.

"Wow, Miss is so strong!" I heard Zeno say with the same goofy grin that I adored.

"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna fall so please help—" I said before falling into Kija, who turned into a worried and blushing mess along with everyone else except Ayura.

"A-A-A-Aria, a-a-are y-you okay?" He stuttered while looking away. I looked down and realized that I was only wearing a bandage to cover my chest and a loose blanket tied around my waist. Obviously uncomfortable,I tried to move away from his lap, only to collapse from the pain. And not only that, but the blanket ALMOST fell down even more.


"KYAAAAAAAA!" (A/N do I even need to say who said that?)


I laid still on the floor while listening to Zeno humming next to me when a sudden thought came to mind.

"By the way, where is Tetora? I saw that she got injured too" I said and turned my head towards Zeno, who was looking at me.

"Miss Tetora is at Miss Lili's house" He responded.

"I see. Well, I can't just lie here forever. Zeno, can you check my wound?" I asked. Zeno smiled and I rolled around. His fingers undid the knot that tied my bandage around my chest. I almost fell asleep to his gentle touch.

"By the way, I thought Tetora got injured too. Where is she?" I asked Zeno as soon as I remembered what had happened.

"The other Miss is fine. She is getting help at Miss Lili's house" He answered and finished the bandage. I smiled and got up.

"I see"

-MEANWHILE IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVER—actually no, just in Lili's home-

Lili POV

"Father, please! Open the door!" I shouted at Father one last time before slowly sinking to the floor against the door.

Aria...Tetora....I don't want to leave Tetora, but...

I slowly realized that I have to go find Aria. My Father refuses to listen to me, and he still does not believe that Aria is really here!

Besides, Aria is extremely weakened. And that man seemed mad, what if he tries to...

I got up from the floor and grabbed a few pieces of jewelry and coins around my room. I stuffed all of it along with some spare clothes in a bag and took a secret passageway out of my room. I was able to get into one of the water tribes treasure rooms (A/N: ???at least I think that was it) and looked at the item I came for.

The water tribe's treasured seal. Taking this would give me a strict punishment, even if I am the general's daughter...

I put the treasure in my bag and ran out towards the horses. I was able to get out on the streets.

I may be foolish to try something like this, but for the water tribe, Tetora...


...I need to become stronger! I wish to be like Aria!


Yo yo yo

So I'm one with school now and my life is perfect because yay no more school!!

lol I wish

I also realized Lili has blue hair, not black like I thought


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