Chapter #49: Exile?

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Aria POV

"Ayura and Tetora? Long time no see! What are you doing here?"

"Thank you for taking care of us last time" Ayura said. I smiled.

"No, I should be thanking you. And Zeno, are those your new clothes?" I turned to look at Zeno, who smiled.

"Yes! Big sister bought it for me!" He said happily and pointed at Tetora.

"Oh really? Thank you, big sister. But never mind that, I never thought I'd see you both in a place like this" I joked and laughed.

"It's great to see you all so lively and well!" She said and put her hand on her cheek.

"Where's Lili? Isn't she supposed to be with you?" I asked them.

"Ah, Miss Lili...she's a little..."

"She went back to Suiko, right?" I noticed that they had a hard time answering my question, so I changed the subject.

"Anyhow, what's that?" I said and looked at the bottle Tetora was holding. She giggled.

"It's another gift to celebrate our reunion. Would you like a cup?"

"Yes!" Me, Jea-ha and Hak said at the same time. Hak stopped to eye me suspiciously.


"Yes, me. I'm 16 now, which means I will partake. I promised myself that I wouldn't drink until I was 16"

"Oh? And when did you decide that?"

"It could have been when I first came here but I could also very well have been yesterday"

"Ah, so you're turning 16 today? Another thing to celebrate!" Tetora exclaimed and poured me a cup. She gave it to me and I smelled it. I cringed but immediately covered it.

"Smells delicious" I said and watched as they poured up more cups for Hak and the others. Once they were done, I took a small sip. I almost spit it out but before that, I swallowed it and put the cup down. Hak snorted.

"Too strong?"

"Perfect, actually. Thank you, Ayura and Tetora" I smiled at them.

"Mm!~ Indeed, Aria dear. And with all these beautiful girls here, the wine tastes even better!" Jea-ha exclaimed. I snickered when I thought of something.

"That's how you drank the drugs, right?" Me and Hak said at the same time.

"You're still bringing that up, you two?"

"Hee hee~ this is wine made with water, the water tribe's specialty. There are no drugs in this" Tetora said. I watched as Kija leaned on Shin-ah's shoulder with a drunken face. Jea-ha turned to Tetora.

"Is everything okay now with Sensui and Shisen?" Jea-ha asked her.

"...Yes, I guess so. But it's great how we can meet everyone here—"

"—why don't you just cut to the chase? Stop trying to bribe us in a roundabout way. You came to find us because there's something you need, right?" Hak interrupted Tetora. I was about to call him out and tell him to not be so rude, but Tetora stopped me.

"Lord Hak really is sharp. To be honest, there's something we would like to ask you regarding Miss Lili" Tetora said as she and Ayura got down on the ground and respectfully bowed. My eyes widened.

"What's wrong with Lili!?" I asked them.

"Right now Miss Lili is in exile from Suiko" Tetora said. I looked at her in shock.

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