Chapter #45: Descisions

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Aria POV

I hugged my legs and buried my face in them.

So dad was actually King Hiryuu, the red dragon? And the necklace was the way to get from and go to this world from my world? But if Zeno meet my dad over a thousand thousand years ago, does that mean time here goes faster than in my world?

If my dad was a king, does that make me a princess? Does that mean that I'm related to Soo won? No, since dad died and I, his only daughter, was in the other world, a new king must have been chosen and a new bloodline must have been made. Does that make me the rightful heir to the throne? It's cool to think about, but I'm definitely not capable of leading a country alone.

Where do I even go from here? If my necklace is the key, can I go back to my home? Should I continue to help dad's kingdom from the shadows? Should I try to get in contact with Soo won and take back the throne?

I looked up and shook my head.

No, there's a chance that he could try to kill me. I'll continue working with Hak, Yoon and the four dragons from the shadows.

I took a deep breath and stood up. The sky was now dark, so I've probably been sitting here for at least a few hours. Everyone are probably worried, I should be getting back. I walked into the woods I had ran out off and looked for the way back. I saw a small boar eating from a bush.

I'm so hungry

I took out my bow and arrow and shoot the boar. He died immediately, saving him from any suffering. I picked the dead animal up and continued walking towards the camp. Once I got there, I realized everyone was sitting around the campfire in silence. They probably didn't realize that I had arrived. I smiled and walked up to Yoon. He recognized me and gave me a worried look.

"Aria! Where were you?! Don't run away like that!" He said and hugged me. His voice alarmed everyone else.

"Yay! The Miss is back! And she has food too!" Zeno exclaimed and hugged me too. I felt a hand on my head and heard how multiple people came up behind me. I looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry for running away like that..." I said and felt Ao rub himself against my cheek.

"It's fine, Aria dear" Jea-ha said ruffled my hair. I smiled and felt tears gather in my eyes again, but this time out of happiness.

Dad, thank you for giving me the chance to make such great friends. Both here and at home.

"So, if King Hiryuu is your father, that makes you a princess, right?" Kija said. Hak snorted.

"I wonder about that" Hak said. I felt annoyence build up inside of me while Kija glared at Hak.

"Please don't insult the princess"

"Yeah, even though Aria dear is a beauty inside and outside, she doesn't act a lot like royalty" Jea-ha joined in and smirked. I glared at them.

"If you want me to kill you, please just say so"


"Nope, nothing like a princess" I broke free from the hug and ran after Hak as he ran around the campfire.

"Hey! Don't destroy the tents, you beast and hopeless princess!" Yoon shouted in fear for his tents as I chased Hak around camp.

-A few days later-

"Alright, we'll set up camp here for tonight" Yoon decided when we found a small open space, perfect for putting up a tent.

"Shin-ah, go collect a lot of firewood for the fire" Yoon said. Shin-ah nodded and went into the forest along with Ao.

"Kija, you go draw some water"


"Thunder beast, start a fire"


"And then I'll go hunting" I said and picked up my bow and arrow and a dagger from my bag.

"Really?! That would be great. We're low on meat"

"I'll go hunt a bear" I smirked and walked off.

"Y-yeah, go for it" Yoon said nervously. He turned around to face Hak.

"Thunder beast, that hopeless princess has become a little too headstrong! Stop her!" Yoon exclaimed.

"Ah, the red dragon must be hungry"

"And you've gotten a little too used to it!"

"Alright, Aria, let's go get some birds instead" Hak turned to me after finishing the fire. I looked at him before turning around and dashing into the woods.

"Thunder beast, that hopeless princess is running away!"

"I can see that" Hak said before dashing after me. I ran until I could hear Hak behind me. I quickly stopped and stuck out my foot to make him trip, which he did. I exploded into laughter as he got up, dirt covering his face.

"Damn you"

"Don't you mouth off to me, young boy" I said in a rough voice.

"I'm older than you"

"Not mentally"

"Tell me about your home" Hak's question caught me off guard, but it made me happy.

"Okay. I live with my mom, who's amazing. I used to have a pet lizard called Liz, but she died" I said. Hak looked at me.

"A pet lizard?"

"Yes. I have four best friends, but two of them are gone"

"Gone? As in...?"

"Dead? God, no. Or, I actually don't know. They disappeared a few weeks before I came here. But I'm sure they're fine. One of them is almost as strong as you, and the other has a trusty bird at her side"

"As strong as me? I doubt it" He said. I smiled and looked at the sky. I saw two birds flying across the sky.

"There" I said and aimed at one of the birds. The arrow hit the bird and it fell to the ground. We continued hunting until we had a couple of birds and one big boar.

"It's gotten late. I wonder if Yoon will be mad?" I said as I carried the birds.

"We should be fine, we have this many souvenirs"

"Yeah, hopefully Yoon will be pleased with them" I saw the campsite coming into view.

"Everyone, we're...back..." I trailed off when I saw that the tent had been ripped apart and Yoon was sitting at the campfire, looking very scared.

"Yoon! What happened?!" I shouted and dropped the birds to run up to him. He looked up at me and stood up.

"Aria! Hak!"

"What happened?" Hak asked him.

"What should I do? They all-they all...they all disappeared!"


Dun dun duuuunn

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