Chapter #36: New era

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Lili POV

"Lady Lili, please return to Suiko castle quickly" The guard repeated.

"Take the golden seal and make up some excuse to tell my father, I cannot return home yet" I said and turned around.

"How long do you plan on being disobedient?" My eyes shot up in surprise at the familiar voice. I slowly turned around.

"Father?...I'm surprised, I never thought you would show up here—"

"Do you have any idea of what you've done?" Father interrupted me. I looked down.

"...Did you see Sensui a few days ago?"

"I've listened to reports. Which is way I also know that you ran away with the water's golden seal, the emblem of the water tribe's leader, and used it to extort it's power. Ordinarily, you wouldn't be able to escape the death penalty, it is a serious crime" Father said. I froze and clenched my fists in fear.


"However, our tribe doesn't inforce such barbaric penalties. Therefore..."

"An Lili, I hearby order you exiled from Suiko castle"

I felt my heart sink and I almost wanted to scream, but immediately calmed myself. Unlike Ayura and Tetora.

"Please wait! Lady Lili acted to save the water tribe on this occasion! Please grant her a more lenient punishment!" Tetora exclaimed and bowed next to Ayura.

"I am to blame for it all. I couldn't stop the lady. If anyone must be punished, it should be me—Ayura said calmly, but I interrupted her.

"Ayura, Tetora, it's fine. I have no regrets. I've already prepared for this" Ayura and Tetora looked at me with shocked expressions.

"The water's golden seal is a sign of authority and should by no means be taken lightly. I used it so that I could help Aria and the water tribe" I said and watched my father's expression change for a split second before returning to his usual one.

"So she is here" He said and fell silent.

"That doesn't matter right now. I accept the punishment" I said, trying to redirect my father from Aria. He looked at me.

"That's an exemplary resolve. I have prepared a fitting prison for you. Behave yourself there" He said as guards took my arms and lead me away.

"Lord Yoon-Gi!" I heard Ayura and Tetora behind me.

Third Person POV

The two bodyguards watched as their Lady was taken away by two guards, only to be replaced by another one. He ran towards Lord Yoon-Gi and stood behind him.

"General Yoon-Gi. A meeting between the five  tribes has been issued. It's urgent that you go to Hiryuu castle" He said and slightly bowed.

"A meeting with the five tribes now?" The general of the water tribe said. The guard slightly looked down.

"General Yoon-Gi..."

"It can't be helped since we made a move. Send a message to Hiryuu castle" The General continued, making the guard look up.

"Tell them that I will be a little late" General Yoon-Gi said before walking off.

-A few days later, now in Hiryuu castle-

Third Person POV

The five generals, the king and his advisor are sitting in the meeting room. Everyone are sitting at a table with small cups of tea in front of them, with the exception of the general of the Sky tribe, Han Joo doh, and his majesty King Soo won along with his advisor, Kye-Sook.

"I am not used to this line up yet" Yoon-Gi, the General of the water tribe, said and drank his tea.

"You're late, what are you quietly sipping tea for, old man?" Tae woo, the General of the wind tribe said and leaned on his elbow. Guen-Tae, the General of the earth tribe, turned to him.

"You should drink it to, kid. It's our Yun-Ho tea" Guen-Tae said.

"No, it stinks" Tae woo said and pushed the tea cup away, making Guen-Tae laugh out loud.

"Right?! It stinks, doesn't it?!!" He exclaimed as Joo doh, the General of the sky tribe, left his post next to King Soo won to walk up to Guen-Tae.

"Guen-Tae!!! The meeting of the five tribes is not a taste testing meet up for your wife's tea! Put that stinky tea away at once!" He shouted at him.

"Oh? Did this tea unsettle a single guy like you?" Guen-Tae said, making Joo doh seethe with anger.

"Now, now, General Joo doh, we have prepared some green tea as well"

"That's not the problem!"

Their childish fighting was interrupted the clack of a cup being set down on a small plate, making everyone turn to the last person in the meeting room.

"As a newcomer, I apologize for interrupting you, but..." Kyoga, the General of the fire tribe, said and looked up.

"...are the five tribe meetings always like this?" He continued. Kye-Sook looked at him.

"No. I'm grateful you shot a disdainful glare at them to make them stop, General Kan Kyoga" Kye-Sook said.

"New fire tribe general, relax your shoulders a little bit more. It would be disappointing if you turned into a dreary man like advisor Kye-Sook" Guen-Tae said with a smirk, making said advisor cough in irritation.

"Here's a word from his majesty"

"Ah, Yes. First of all, I'm happy to see you all in good health"

"A lax person, as usual" Guen-Tae thought to himself.

"Peace and order is gradually being restored in the fire tribe. The treaty between Sen province is also being maintained, thanks to you..."

"It sounds like the border to the north is secure. What's concerning now is..." Guen-Tae started but let Soo won finish.

"The northwest region of Kouka...Along the border between the earth tribe and southern Kai. It once belonged to Kouka. But during King Il's reign, we lost it to Kai. Now it's always exposed to threats from the Kai empire. It needs to be momentarily strengthened for the defense of our nation" Soo won said while looking deep in thought.

"Your majesty, what you're saying is..."

"Kouka will head to southern Kai and face them in battle"


This was a cool chapter

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