Chapter #7: Reunion

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Aria POV

I froze when I saw a familiar green haired man standing in a middle of people, being asked about what he's doing in Fuuga.

"Jea-ha!" I shouted at him and ran up to him. He saw me and ran up and hugged me.

"Aria, what did you do this time?" He asked me. After we stopped hugging, I looked at him.

"I was taken to Hiryuu castle. Anyway, where are Hak and the others?" I asked and as if on call, another commotion was heard. I ran towards the source of the commotion. As I thought, surrounded by people was none other than Hak, Yoon and the rest of the dragons. Naturally, Shin-ah was the one to notice me first. He pushed through the crowd walked up to me.

"Hello Shin-ah and Ao" I said and patted both of their heads at the same time. Shin-ah didn't say anything, he just patted me on the head. I giggled.

Hak realized that Shin-ah had seen me me so he followed him. I went around Shin-ah to Hak, and he embraced me.

"Hi Hak" I said sand hugged him back. He hugged me tightly and in the corner of my eye I could see Kija, Zeno and Yoon pushing through the crowd. Hak let go of me and Yoon immediately hugged me along with Zeno. Kija cried tears of joy and I took his hand to comfort him.

"Hak!" I heard Mun-deok shout. Hak turned to him.

"Yo, Gramps" He said and held his hand out towards Mun-deok, stopping Mun-deok from hugging him. Tae woo and Han-Dae came and welcomed Hak.

"Hak, I can't believe you finally have a woman" Tae woo said and smirked while pointing at me.

"She's not my woman" Hak said and turned his attention towards Tae Yeon, who was hugging Hak's leg. Hak picked him up and hugged him.

"Will you get jealous if I do this?" Han-Dae said and hugged me from behind. Hak put Tae Yeon down and dragged Han-Dae off of me.

"Can't I hug my little sister?" He said and fake cried in a corner. Hak looked at him oddly and then at me.

"Are you two related?" He asked me. I shook my head and Han-Dae fell backwards out of shock.

"My little sister has rejected me..." He said while Tae woo put his hand on Han-Dae's shoulder.

"We told the generals and Soo won that I was Han-Dae's little sister so that I could get out of there" I explained and at the mention of Soo won's name, Hak stiffened.

"Why did you go there in the first place, Aria dear?" Jea-ha, who stood behind me, asked.

"Oh? You see, I hurt my leg because I fell down a small cliff when I was looking for food. Tae-Jun of the fire tribe helped me get to the castle since for some reason, Soo won told all the generals about me. In the castle, my wound got treated" I explained.

"How did you fall down a cliff? Were you so distracted by the thought of food that you didn't see it?" Yoon asked me. I shook my head.

"No, someone shot an arrow towards me so that I fell down" I said and pointed at a slight scar that I had gotten from the arrow. Everyone's expression changed, even Tae woo and Han-Dae got mad.

"What the hell? Who did it?" Tae woo asked and clenched his fist.

"Really it's fine, I'm healed now. See?" I said and slightly lifting up the fabric that covered my leg. The bandage that was wrapped around my leg was dark red, meaning that I had reopened my wound. The people around me gasped and I touched my bloody leg.

"I must have reopened it when I chased Tae woo and Han-Dae..." I said and sat down. Seeing so much blood made me dizzy.

People around me started panicking and I felt a pair of strong arms lift me up.

"Hak..." I said and looked at him.

"We need to get you to a doctor. Why did you chase Tae woo and Han-Dae anyway?" He asked me and I turned to Tae woo and Han-Dae. Both of them were smirking. I sighed.

"You don't wanna know" I answered him.


I'm having a situation, I don't know which tribe I like the most ://

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