Chapter #52: Break in

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Third Person POV

The happy hungry bunch and Lady Lili's bodyguards split up near the fort into two groups:

Team 1: Jea-ha, Zeno and Tetora

Team 2: Hak, Shin-ah, Kija and Yoon

"Eh, there are actually two forts" The green dragon said.

"Yeah, since we don't know which of the forts those two were taken to. We decided to split into two groups and slip into the forts. One of our teams will get them out and find a chance to destroy that fort" The young boy explained.

"Is that okay with everyone?" The green dragon asked.

"Tetora will stay here" Lady Lili's black haired bodyguard, Ayura, said.

"I actually wanted to go, too" Tetora said and smiled.

"It's fine. Your punch just now seems to have almost returned to their normal power"

"I'll do my best to keep fit so that I can fight anytime!....Umm, Ayura..." Tetora said and ran up to Ayura and took her hand in her's. They put their foreheads together and closed their eyes.

"I leave Lady Lili to you"

"...I understand. I will bet my life on it" After exchanging promises, the green dragon approached the young boy.

"Yoon, I'll change the strategy as I see fit according to the situation, but if they go on a rampage it's up to you to stop them" He said. The young boy nodded.

"...I'll do my best" The green dragon turned to the tall man whose current feelings of worry and rage were seeping off him.

"...Hak, She will be fine. You know as much as I do that she won't give in without a fight, especially when she has a goal in mind" He said, but the tall man didn't utter a word.

"All right then, let's go. Zeno, Ayura" The green dragon continued as the yellow dragon and Ayura followed him.

"May luck be with you"

Soo won POV (omg omg omg omggg)

"Miss Lili and Lady Aria have been kidnapped, haven't they?" I said and pulled down my hood, surprising Miss Tetora.

"Your majesty?! What are you doing here?" Tetora exclaimed.

"King Soo won received a letter a few hours ago and came here to confirm our current situation. The letter was from Lady Aria, telling us that her and Lili were going to be kidnapped by someone and asked for the support of king Soo won and the wind tribe. Did you know about this, Tetora?" Lord An Yoon-Gi explained.

"I only knew that she had bought two birds that she used to send letters to two different people, but I didn't know it was for his majesty and Lord Hak. I never knew that she knew that this would happen, but I'm sure that she has her reasons to keeping it from us. She faked a panic attack to be able to go with Lady Lili when we decided to look for the dealers and the kidnappers" Tetora explained. I listened to her quietly and processed her words.

If Lili is with Aria, then she should be safe. But I'm worried about what Aria is ready to do to defend her.

"Lady Aria gave me a paper and a pencil in order to keep her posted, but sending a bird over there doesn't seem very wise. The first thing to do is to listen to hear wish to contact the wind tribe" I said. A guard quickly ran off to send word to Elder Mun-deok. I looked up to the sky.

"My apologies, General Yoon-Gi. Please give me a bit of time, I have a plan"

Aria POV

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