Chapter #35: Remember

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Aria POV

There wasn't really much to be said after the kiss. We went back and fell asleep after everyone else and peacefully slept through the night. But when me and Hak woke up the next day, Jea-ha had A LOT to say.

"Aria dear!~ Why kiss that beast but not this beautiful dragon?" He said and dramatically fell to the ground.

"Uwah! Zeno wants to kiss Miss too!" Zeno said and hugged me from behind.

"Both of you, stop making inconveniences for Aria! Even though she—she..." Kija trailed of and blushed. I laughed at their silliness.

"You can all have a pat" I said and laughed while I patted their heads. Zeno and Jea-ha were visibly pleased, and even though Kija covered his face, I knew that he was happy.

"Aria!" I heard a female voice shout at me. I smiled and walked up to her.

"Lili! Good timing, I have to tell you something!" I said and started explaining about Hak, his recovery and lastly about tomorrow.

"What? You're leaving tomorrow?" Lili asked and looked at me surprised.

"Yep. Our fight with Hiyou ended and more soldiers are here now. I'd say it's mission accomplished" I answered and smiled.

"R-right. Actually, I'm leaving to Suiko soon, too"

"Oh, really? Well then Lili, until next time, take care!" I said and turned around.

"You too!" Lili said as I waved to here and watched her disappear.

Lili POV

I was sitting in a chair with my head down on a table. The guards around me were trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me.

"Lady Lili? What's wrong?"

"What happened, Lady Lili?"

"Are you worn out from running around the town due to the Nadia issue?"

"Lady Lili?"

"Tomorrow, is it? That'll be it, right?" I muttered while a guard asked something that made me twitch.

"Maybe it's a man?! Did a man reject her...?!"

"You over there! You want it cut off?!" I shouted at the guard and he quickly apologized.

"Fufufu, you mustn't say such things, Lady Lili. They are not a joke" Tetora said and put her hand to her cheek.

"Ayura! Tetora! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed and stood up from my chair.

"We were told that you were staying here" Tetora said and smiled.

"Still! Tetora, shouldn't you be resting?!" I said to Tetora, who just looked down.

"Lady Lili, excuse me—" Tetora interrupted herself by slapping me. She put her hand on my burning cheek before hugging me. I was able to see that she was crying.

"Lady Lili, you idiot! How could you do something so dangerous?! Please, don't make us worry so much!"

"I don't mind being slapped by you two, you know" I said and hugged Tetora.

"I'm sorry, Tetora. Ayura.

Aria POV

We were getting ready for dinner when I saw Lili, Ayura and Tetora approaching us.

"Lili, Ayura and Tetora!" I said and smiled.

"It's been a while, everyone. We're grateful to you for helping Lili" Ayura and Tetora said while bowing.

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