Chapter #44: The truth

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Aria POV

I clenched the bloody piece of Zeno's clothing in my hand. My arm fell to my side as I turned to were everyone was sitting.

"How is everyone feeling?" Yoon asked and out his hand on Kija's forehead.

"Much better. It must be thanks to Kalgan's medicine" Jea-ha said and smiled. Kija agreed.

"It's also because of Kalgan's medicine, but ever since we returned to Kouka kingdom, it feels like I got a lot better" Kija said.

"Your fever has gone down, but your wounds haven't healed completely yet. Go rest a little more" Yoon said and removed his hand from Kija's forehead.

"That was a pretty harsh battle. The only regret I have is...." Jea-ha trailed off and turned to look at Shin-ah.

"...that Shin-ah took off his mask and I didn't even have the time to look at his eyes" Jea-ha finished, making Shin-ah's head twitch.

"He truly is desperate when it comes to that" Yoon said and looked at Shin-ah.

"Please stop it. Shin-ah is troubled" Kija intervened.

"But aren't Shin-ah's eyes the most beautiful things in the world?"

"I've seen them. They really are beautiful, Shin-ah" I said to Shin-ah, making him look over his shoulder at me.

"....that's not true...." He said and turned back around. Jea-ha approaches him.

"To see whether or not that's true, we'll need to check, right?" He said and inches his hands closer to Shin-ah.


"You guys are really lively, even though you were wounded so much" Zeno said, making everyone turn to him and give him a long stare.

"Ah—very good, very good" Jea-ha said and picked up Zeno's arm to search for any wound or scales. They were gone.

"You were the one most wounded, you know"

"Your wounds and scales are gone?" I asked Zeno, who turned to me with a smile.

"After some time passes, it turns back to normal skin"

"Do you really.....not die, Zeno?" Yoon asked.

"I won't die" Zeno answered and picked up Ao in his hands.

" old are you Zeno?"

"17" He answered, making everyone look at him with disbelief.

"Liar" Hak

"Did you not say that you could go on fighting for hundreds of years?!" Kija

"How many years did you count?" Jea-ha

"Hmm, I don't remember the exact year, since counting is a pain" Zeno said and looked up at the sky.

"Basically, you've been living for such a long time that you don't want to count" Jea-ha said.

"Zeno...are you...the first generation?" Kija asked him, catching us by surprise.

"That's right. I'm the first dragon that served King Hiryuu, Ouryuu Zeno" Zeno admitted. My eyes widened slightly in surprise.

I mean, it makes sense, right?

"The dragon from the same period of time as...the legend. You got bestowed with the blood from the dragon god?" I asked him.

"Something like that might've happened. Back then, I was just some brat that could hear the voices of the gods a little bit" He answered.

The voices of the gods?

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