Chapter #30: A familiar face

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Aria POV

"So it was you, Aria! Thank you for coming, I was looking for you!" Lili said and hugged me. I was happy to see her, so I let myself smile. I groaned in pain and she gasped and let go.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot that you were cu—"

"Thank you two for saving us. Who might you be?" I interrupted Lili with a question. I can't let Soo won know that I'm hurt. I watched Lili pick up some of her belongings that had fallen to the ground. She quickly grabbed a small bag that Soo won was holding.

Speaking of Soo won, he looked rather shocked to see me. So did Joo doh. Actually, everyone except the two guards accompanying them looked pretty shocked.

Well, we left our latest conversation at a rather awkward topic, so this is bound to get weird.

"Ah, I'm—Won. And you are?"

"A—Destiny" I said. Lili caught on and picked something out of her bag.

"Thank you for helping us. Take this, you can probably sell it for a good amount" She said and tossed a piece of jewelry at Soo won. He caught it. Lili linked her arm with mine and dragged me away, but Soo won didn't let us get that far.

"Ah, what a beautiful necklace. But for someone to have a necklace made out of this much gold, as expected of.... The daughter of the general of the water tribe, Lady Lili" Soo won said with a calm smile. Me and Lili froze and looked at each other. We both got the same idea and nodded towards each other.
I mean, some mystery man just blew Lili's cover, so the only natural thing to do would be to—-


However, Soo won caught up to us.

"Huh? What's wrong? Are you on some kind of secret vacation?"

"Who are you?! Did my father send you to take me back?!"

"Take you back? What are you talking about? Wait, stop and let me hear your little story" Soo won said. Lili looked at me and I nodded for her to stop. We turned towards Soo won.

"I came here since I heard Sensui was a trade town, but it seems like something has happened here. Could you tell me about it?"

"So you're not one of father's thugs?" Lili asked Soo won.

"Yes, I am a merchant" He replied. I tried not to laugh.


"What about them? They look pretty suspicious..." I said and pointed at the guards behind Soo won, earning a glare from Joo doh.

"Ah, things have been pretty hectic lately so they are my bodyguards" Soo won explained.

"What is your goal in getting closer to us?" Lili asked him.

"If I wanted to do something to you two, I would've done it long ago. I merely want to know what is happening to this town" Lili looked unsure.

"Then how about you hire us as your and this lady's bodyguards?" Lili looked surprised, but Soo won explained that it was dangerous for us to walk alone and that we had seen their strength earlier. Instead of money, they offered us protection in exchange for information.

If Lili hires them, I'll have to think of someway to tell Hak that I'm okay without mentioning Soo won...But then again, they tried to kill Hak because they know that he knows of the King's murder, and know they know that I know—

"We will hire you, however we do not have much information" Lili's voice ripped me out of my thoughts. I could see Joo doh whispering something to Soo won.

"We should go somewhere else. You can tell us about the water tribe's situation on the way—" Soo won was interrupted by a large 'bam!' that made Joo doh turn around.

"There seems to be a large commotion nearby" Soo won said and for a second, I saw Shin-ah's fluffy mask. I felt my heart stop for a second and quickly kept us walking.

"It's probably nothing. We shouldn't stand in the rain for too long, shall we continue?" I asked Soo won and he smiled.

"But shouldn't we check that out?"

"You're our bodyguards, aren't you? Do what we say!" Lili exclaimed, making Soo won sweat drop.

Well, that's one way to say it.


"So this town has been affected by a drug called Nadai?" Soo won said and ate some kind of food on a stick, probably meat.

"Yeah" Lili said and munched on a dumpling.

Me, Lili, Soo won and Joo doh were sitting at a table in some kind of cafe, eating dumplings. Lili was telling Soo won about the Nadai problem while me and Joo doh were having a silent argument, which mostly consisted of him asking me why I was here.

"I still don't understand. You're the daughter of the water tribe, your soldiers can take care of this. So why are you getting involved with a stranger?" He said, obviously talking about me

"My, my, what a cold one. Me and Lili are friends. If anyone here is a stranger, wouldn't it be all of you?" I said with a calm voice.

"Knock it off, you two!" Lili said.

"Okay, okay" I said and held my hands up in surrender. Joo doh went quiet.

"Anyway, we think that this Hiyou is the ringleader of the drug dealers. He's a despicable enemy who hurt two friends of mine" Lili said and glanced at me. Fast, but I'm sure Soo won and Joo doh picked up on it.

"I've heard that he's doing business with merchants from south Kai"

"Mhmm, mhmm! Oh, some red bean soup, please" Soo won said, completely changing the topic.

"You now the time to be taking a break at a cafe?" Joo doh said, obviously annoyed. I smirked.

"But of course. Neither me or Lili have eaten anything lately. Plus, sweets will energize us" I told him.

"Destiny is right. Joo doh, why don't you eat a dumpling too?" Soo won agreed.

"Yeah, I heard that when you're easily annoyed, you're probably just very hungry!" I said, obviously taunting him. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off.

"I don't need one!"

"Ah, you've hired a short tempered man, Won"

"That's what makes him so interesting!"

After that, Lili continued talking about her father and the water tribe. She said she would not ask her father for help anymore and just fight on her own. She asked Soo won if he thought that she was reckless, and he told her that wanting to put in effort to help your people is not foolish and that as long she's earnest, she'll do anything without hesitation.

"You know, despite your appearance, you say some pretty blunt things" Lili finally said.


"You acted like an airhead, so I thought you were like that on the inside too"

"You're horrible!" Soo won said playfully.

"But.... You've given me courage. Thank you..." Lili said. I smiled.

Not gonna lie, his words gave me courage too

"Don't mention it!" Soo won said and drank some green tea.

"Now, we better find out more about this Hiyou person and his location" Soo won said and stood up. We paid for our meal and went outside.


So we're celebrating Lucia today which means that we're going to sit in a large hall with people that I hate

My anxiety is going crazy I'm——

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