Chapter #37: Kalgan

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Third Person POV

"...Finally?"Guen-Tae said, his voice full of excitement.

"We must combine all forces of all of the five tribes and come up with a battle formation" Soo won said calmly.

"The earth tribe has no objections. That' like you" Yoon-Gi said, making Guen-Tae and Kye-Sook turn to him.

"What?" Guen-Tae said.

"Will the water tribe assume their wait and see stance?" Kye-Sook said and walked towards Yoon-Gi.

"General Yoon-Gi, do you think this battle has absolutely nothing to do with you? According to reports, the coast of the water tribe was attacked by a fleet from southern Kai, but it seems you counterattacked them, did you not?" Kye-Sook said while almost looking down at Yoon-Gi.

"At any rate, Kouka will retaliate. This time, shouldn't the water tribe take responsibility for it's imprudent actions?" Kye-Sook finished, making Yoon-Gi open his eyes and stare at the table.

"I plan on it, chief of staff Kye-Sook. However, my people are fighting and shedding blood to protect their pride and tribe. I do not want you calling that imprudent" Yoon-Gi started, shocking Kye-Sook.

"Your majesty, the water tribe is calm by nature.Like the water swaying to and from, we are a peaceful people. However, once a dam breaks...the water has an overwhelming power that swallows everything in it's path. Once it has broken free, nothing can stop it. My oppressed people, whose anger has been suppressed, until now, will strive to eliminate the influence of southern Kai" Yoon-Gi finished, surprising everyone. But even though a silence fell soon there after, all the generals could agree on one thing.

The tribes are finally uniting

Aria POV

I looked around and walked up to a stand with nice jewelry. I smirked.

They're pretty. But not as pretty as dad's necklace

"Little boy, I'm hungry! Can we buy something to eat?" Zeno complained while drooling over a food stand. Yoon put his bag down and grabbed something out of it.

"Hold on, I brought snacks with me" Yoon said and pulled out rice balls. Kija clapped his hands together in a respectful manner. I walked up to Yoon and took the rice ball he gave me.

"Thank you Yoo—" I said before a swift breeze blew by and I realized that someone took my rice ball.

"Yoon's rice ball was taken" I snickered. I don't know why, but I've been in a happy mood all day. Yoon turned to me, shock written all over his face.

"What?! Aria, don't laugh about that!"

"Ahhh!!" I heard someone shout out in surprise. I turned to the source of the voice and saw a child.

"Hold it right there" Yoon ran up to the boy and said. The boy tried to turn around to run, only to be blocked by the rest of us. I smiled and took out my bow. The boy looked scared, he probably thought I was going to shoot him.

"Calm down, you're hungry right?" I said and aimed for a bird with an arrow. I let the arrow go and the bird fell to the ground. I picked it up and handed it to the boy.

"Here, you can have this. Go trade it for something in that store over there" I said and watched his eyes sparkle in admiration.

"A-amazing! You're a cool girl!" The boy said, making me and the rest of the guys smile. But then...

"I like you, come be my bride!" He said, making me laugh out loud as I watched everyone's faces turn pale. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me off to somewhere.

"It's okay, my village is on the other side of the river! I can get married when I'm 13, for now we can just be engaged!" He said, making me laugh even more. Yoon grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"What do you mean, 'we can just be engaged'?! Aria can't marry you!" He said.

"You...even though you are a child, I won't let such discourtesy towards my master!" Kija joined in behind him. I could hear Jea-ha say something to Hak, but I couldn't make it out.

"What? Are all these men yours?"

"I mean...yes and no?" I said and cocked an eyebrow, making Jea-ha, Kija and Hak choke on air.

"What about me? I like robust women! I'll treasure you" He said, taking my hands in his.

Sure, he's cute but I ain't a pedophile

"I can't marry you" I told him. Oops, I didn't mean to be that bold

"She shows no mercy" Yoon said.

"No!" The boy said.

"Listen to her! Just give up. Aria is tough, she won't give herself to you" Yoon said once again.

"I won't give up!"

"Give up and I'll give you this rice ball" Yoon said. The boy took the rice ball and eat it.

"You're nice...come be my bride!" The boy asked Yoon.

"I may be a great beauty, but I'm a guy" Yoon said and crossed his arms. I could hear Jea-ha and Hak once again talk about something.

"Say, a little while ago you live on the other side of the river....are you from the Kai empire?" Yoon said, looking at the boy.


"Why did you come to Kouka?"

"Because I wanted to see what kind of place Kouka is. And now I've discovered that it's a place with good women and good food!" The boy said and looked happy. But not nearly as happy as I was.

"Hear that Hak? He said that I am a good woman" I said and smirked at Hak. He smirked back.

"He means that you're a spirited girl that shot down a bird to give to him" Hak said and I punched him. All of a sudden, Shin-ah stopped before jumping on us and pushed us all behind a bush. I landed on Zeno and Jea-ha who easily caught me and the boy. Hak, Kija and Shin-ah crouched behind me and Yoon was next to me.

"Shin-ah, what happened?" I asked him. He looked deep in thought before he turned to me.

"Soldiers...over a hundred of them"


I hate ending it like this, this ending sucks

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