Chapter #38: Attack?

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Aria POV

"They are here because the king of Kouka is launching an attack against Kai empire" The boy's words made me freeze. Soo won?

"Jea-ha, is their any other way to get to his village?" I turned to Jea-ha, who smiled at me.

"Of course" Jea-ha said and picked up his bag.

"What's your name?" I asked the boy. He looked at me.

"Kalgan" Kalgan said.

"Alright Kalgan, we're going to escort you back to your village"

"Huh? Is that okay with you? You'll come be my bride?" Kalgan asked with a hopeful face.

"No" Hak and Yoon said at the same time.


I looked down at the huge cliff.

"I remember when I fell down one of these cliffs" Hak said.

"I remember when I almost did" I said, making everyone's faces pale up.

"Anyway, it's impossible for any ordinary person to get over here, but you can, right Jeaha?" I smiled at Jea-ha. He smirked and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course! With you I can go anywhere, Aria dear!" Jea-ha said before Hak jumped onto his back.

"I'll be in your care then" Hak said.

"Woah Hak, you're heavy" Jea-ha complained and made Hak get off his back. Kalgan went up to him.

"What do they mean with that as long as you're here, we'll manage?" Kalgan asked Jea-ha with a look of wonder.

"Well, just watch" Jea-ha answered with a smile. Kalgan got up on his back and Jea-ha jumped. I stared at Jea-ha each jumped with a new person until it was only me left.

"You are staring at me so much, am I that handsome, Aria dear?" He asked me with a smirk. I blushed lightly and touched my rosy cheeks. What the hell? And obviously, Jea-ha saw it.

"Ah, I made Aria dear blush! How amazing!" Jea-ha exclaimed, loud enough for everyone to hear, which just made me blush even more. I pulled up my hood to hide my blush and felt Jea-ha pick me up bridal style. He smirked cockily at me.

"Tell me if I'm too close and I'll back up, I wouldn't want you to get a nosebleed, Aria dear" Jea-ha chuckled and before I could respond, he jumped into the air. In surprise, I wrapped my hands around his neck, which just made him laugh even more as we soared through the sky.

"How bold, Aria dear" He said and blushed. I flicked his forehead which made him slightly lose balance, but he quickly recovered and we landed. I rolled out of his arms and onto the ground face first. I slowly sat up with the help of Kija, who was blushing harder than I was.

Great, now Jea-ha is never going to shut up about this

"I'm going to rip your face off, Jea-ha" I said and gritted my teeth.

"But then you'll have nothing to look at, Aria" Hak said and laughed.

"Bastard, do you want to have your face ripped off too?"

"That's bad, what will we do if the most handsome men in the group disappears?"

"Yeah, but at least you and Hak are left, right?" I said and smirked. Zeno hugged me.

"Thank you, Miss!" Zeno exclaimed while Jea-ha sulked.


After a good night's rest, I went out off the tent to look for something to eat, but instead I found Kalgan. And he looked very tired.

"Kalgan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired" He answered. Zeno and Jea-ha came up to us.

"He's been walking a whole lot" Zeno said and picked up his bag.

"It must have been hard on him, I'll carry him" Jea-ha said, but Kija put him on his back first.

"I'll carry him. You're tired from yesterday, right?" Kija said, making Jea-ha smile.

"No, not really. Why do you think that?"

"Shin-ah, carry Jea-ha"

"No thanks"

When we walked towards Kalgan's village, Kalgan told us about how much he liked Kouka. His mother and father had told him not to come here, but he went anyway. I was about to tell him to not ignore his parents, but once again, Kija was faster.

"You mustn't ignore your parents wishes. They won't be around to scold you forever" Kija said. His words made sense to me, it's what I always try to tell people who complain about their parents. I looked ahead and saw the village come into view.

"That's your village, Kalgan?" I asked Kalgan, who's expression changed from tired to happy.

"Yes!" He said. Kija took Kalgan off his back and gave him to Shin-ah, who caught him swiftly. Me, Jea-ha and Shin-ah gave him looks of confusion.

"Shin-ah, please take care of Kalgan..." Kija said and carefully backed up.

"Kija, are you okay?" I asked him. Kija just looked at the ground.

"What, are you already tired?" Jea-ha teased him. I gave Jea-ha a look of annoyance.

"For someone with inhuman strength, you don't have a lot of stamina..." Jea-ha started but trailed of when Kija all of a sudden became very unsteady.

"Aria....I'm sorry" Kija muttered before falling backwards into the ground.

"Kija!" Me and Jea-ha exclaimed.


Another chapter, done!

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