Chapter #54: Return and a chance meeting

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-Time skip-

Aria POV

I was going to look for water when I saw it.

Sei troops!

"Lili, I told you about the plan, right? Are you still in on it? Because we can still change—"

"No. This is what you believe will work, right?  I...will trust you" She said and smiled. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Lili. I promise that we will see each other again when I come to save you" I said and kissed her forehead before running into the forest. I heard Lili run forward and right into the soldiers. They started shouting and tried to capture her. All of a sudden, an arrow flew past me, but it didn't hit me. I ran for a few more minutes before stopping. I brought out my necklace and took it off.

Now I need to injure myself and get some blood!

I looked around and saw a sharp stone on the ground. I smirked and picked it up.

Thank you, god, for giving me this very convenient stone!

"Please work!" I muttered and pricked my finger, the same place I hurt myself when I first came here. I winced from the pain and sat down. I positioned my finger over my necklace and watched the blood drip onto it. I silently prayed and almost laughed loudly in happiness when the necklace showed the red dragon, carefully flying around. Then the necklace started shining. I thought of my house and closed my eyes. The same feeling from when I first came here came over me and the light enveloped me.

~Magic magic~

After a few seconds, the feeling disappeared and I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw the familiar surroundings. The painting of my mom and dad from when I was younger. My speaker. A bag of my favorite candy.

"I'm home!" I almost shouted. Seeing my home almost made me forget why I came here.

That's right! I still need to help Lili and the others! They're counting on me!

I quickly ran into the bathroom and got all kinds of medicines and bandages into a new bag, which is much bigger than my usual one. I got my 'emergency' power bank from my room and a few pieces of jewelry that I could probably trade for something else.

Something else? That's right, a weapon!

I started thinking about what kind of weapon I could use when my eyes landed on a lighter.

Oh my god, fuck yes

I grabbed the lighter, a hairspray and some gasoline from the garage. I also took some knives from the kitchen. When I was done, I looked at the clock in surprise.

That only took five minutes? Does that mean I have time to change clothes and take a shower?

I quickly stripped and took a quick shower to wash away the dirt and blood from my body. I smiled at the feeling of warm water against my body. I got out and quickly dried myself up. I got some clothes from my drawer and put the old clothes in my bag. I put on underwear, a pair of denim high waist boot cut jeans, a white t-shirt, some comfortable black running shoes and a long but thin black coat. I looked at myself in the mirror and almost laughed.

I hope Soo won and the others won't get too much of a heart attack when they see me in this. Hak probably won't be too surprised about the clothing since he has seen me in shorts.

I packed a bit of food such as candy, instant noodles and bottles of water for Lili. I made sure to drink a bit too before filling the bottles up. I also took my bow and arrows that I used for practice and then counted the things I had taken in my head.

Let's see: food, medicine, old clothes, bow and arrows, power bank, lighter, hairspray, gasoline and water. That should be all, right? Damn, my mom is going to think she had a break in

I grabbed another knife from the kitchen and smiled.

Hold on Lili, I'm coming

~Meanwhile, in the other world~

Kija POV

"Shin-ah, what a brawl this has come to, hm?" I said and Shin-ah turned to me and nodded.

"There was a small Hak..." He said, making me look at him in confusion.

"A small Hak?" I said and shook my head.

"The head of the water tribe is most likely here to rescue Lili. That means Tetora must be around here somewhere. She may have some information regarding the status of Jea-ha and the others, let's go and see" I said and put my dragon claw by my chin. Shin-ah nodded and looked around for Tetora. He pointed at the breached wall and we ran for it. We hid behind some building materials before I saw Tetora.

There she is!

"Tetor—" I said and ran towards her, but i stopped when I saw the figure behind her. He had long, blonde hair and he was wearing a cloak. But since the hood wasn't covering his face, I could very well see who it was.

That person is...king Soo won?


lololol Sorry to end it there hahahah

And sorry that this chapter was shorter than usual

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