Chapter #29: Wanted

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Aria POV

Me and everyone are going to another place in the water tribe that is said to be more affected by the Nadai. However, since I got fucking cut I can't move good enough. And not only that, but it's freezing cold, so think I have cold too. I'll have to pretend to be able to move. I smirked.

And since I'm a master actress, it will be a piece of—-

"Aria, you don't look very well. Should we stop?" Yoon asks me. I look at him and smile.


"I'm...fine" I answered. I tried laughing, but even just talking made me feel like fainting. I realized that I couldn't keep up the act, so I sat down on the ground.

"Aria?" Yoon kneeled down to my level and put his hand on my forehead. He gasps and puts a hand on his own forehead.

"You have a fever!" He exclaims.

Double Ah

"I'm...sorry. Let's continue" I try to stand up, only to picked up by Jea-ha.

"I could take Aria dear ahead. It will be fast so she will not have to walk" He said and smiled.

"Yes, that could work. Will that be okay with everyone?" I ask, and everyone nods.

"Of course! Take care of Aria, big brother Jea-ha" Kija said and I giggled at Jea-ha's nickname while he cringed. I got onto his back and said goodbye to everyone. Jea-ha jumped and we flew over the landscape. I could see a city come into view and pointed.

"There it is!" I exclaimed and Jea-ha nodded.

"I hope it doesn't hurt too much for you, Aria dear" I heard Jea-ha say.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your conce—" I start but I'm not able to finish since I see something shining in a tree. Jea-ha sees it too and dodges it. He throws his metal daggers at the archer and jumps towards a small hut. I get of his back and we get into the hut and close the door.

"Looks like they lost us" Jea-ha said and smirked. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing.

I really don't feel well...

"Aria, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..., just cold..." I answered and leaned against the wall of the hut.

"I see. Then I could warm you up! Now, strip!" Jea-ha said with an innocent smile.

"If I could move, I would cut of your ears and nose, put them over a fire and feed them to Hak" I said and Jea-ha sweatdropped.

"I guess this is not the time for jokes. Looks like bringing this was the right way to go" He said and buttoned down his shirt. He pressed me towards this chest a draped a coat around us, trying to warm me up with the coat and his own body temperature. I smiled.

"...thank you, Jea-ha..." I muttered before falling asleep against Jea-ha's chest.


I wake up to Jeaha's chest and slowly try to move.

"Aria, are you awake?" I heard Hak say. I looked up and and saw that everyone was here now. I smiled.

"Ah, you're all here. I hope the way here was okay" I said and saw them shift a little. I gave them a confused smile.

"Did...something happen?" I ask them. They didn't answer.

"Apparently, you're wanted by the man that attacked you. He's looking for a young woman with dark hair, dark purple eyes and a red dragon necklace" Jea-ha explained, earning glares from everyone else. I guess they didn't want me to know about it right of the bat.

"I see. Welp, I guess I'll have to go out with multiple people" I said and stuck out my tounge in a childish way. Everyone sweat dropped at my recklessness.

-A few hours later-

Me, Yoon, Zeno, Kija and Shin-ah went out to get some food for dinner. I looked at some delicious looking apples when I heard a voice I recognized from before. My head turned towards the source of the voice and I saw familiar blue hair. Two men were talking to her about something, but that didn't seem like their only objective. They started grabbing at the poor girl, so I walked over there. I pulled up my hood and hid my necklace inside my shirt.

"Hey, knock it off. Can't you see she's saying no?" I said and put my hand in front of her. She gasped.

"Are you—"

"Hah? How dare you talk to me like that! Come here and let me teach you a little lesson, you arrogant brat!" One of the men said and tried to attack me, but someone stopped him. An umbrella was showed into the man's and he fell backwards.

"Ah, but that's no way to treat anyone, much less a woman" A familiar voice said. I heard sword being unsheathed and looked behind our savior. I realized one face in particular.

Oh shit, is that Joo doh? Then the other one must be...

I slowly pulled down my hood and pulled my necklace out of my shirt. My eyes widened.

Soo won?


So I've decided to make Aria black haired with dark purple eyes. I'm sorry to put it in so late, I'll put it in the first book too.

But Soo won is back now, any thoughts? ;)

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