Chapter #39: Kalgan's village

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Aria POV

"Kija! Kija!" I exclaimed and ran up to him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and made him lean on my arm. Jea-ha sat down in front of me and tried to get Kija to lean on him, but I didn't let him.

"What happened?!" Yoon asked us, shocked.

"I don't know, he just passed out suddenly" Jea-ha said. He put his hand on Kija's forehead.

"What a terrible fever" he said and removed his hand.

"You could stay at my village until he's better" Kalgan said. I turned to him with a look of hope.

"Really? That'd be great!" I said and tried to stand up while Kija leaned on me. I felt his weight leave me.

"I'll take him, Aria dear" Jea-ha said and wrapped Kija's arm over his shoulder. I smiled.

"Thank you, Jea-ha"


"Mom! Dad!" Kalgan exclaimed, alarming a man and a woman. They looked shocked and then relieved.


"I'm back!" Kalgan said as his mom and dad engulfed him in a hug.

"Where were you?" His mom asked him.

"Sorry. I brought some guests with me, and they need help" Kalgan said and looked at us.

"Guests? Who are they?" His dad asked him and looked at us.

"I became friends with them in Kouka kingdom" Kalgan explained. His mom and dad reacted to what he said last.

"Kouka kingdom? As I thought, you did go there! How many times have I told you not to already—"

"Let's leave the talking to later! The have a sick person that needs help! We have to give them a place to rest in!"

"Those questionable people? Are you kidding?!"

"These people really helped me and took care of me in Kouka. They're good people, so please!" Kalgan pleaded, making his dad look at us once more in suspicion.

"I got it. Guests, please come this way...." His dad said and we walked after him through the village.

We ended up in a small hut and Jea-ha carefully placed Kija down on a futon. I helped Yoon put a wet towel on Kija's forehead to cool him down.

"Hakuryuu.....His fever won't go down, will it?" Zeno said and looked at Kija.

"Sorry about my mother and father" Kalgan said to me.

"Don't worry about it. They're letting us stay and giving us food" I told him and smiled. I looked out the door and saw a few people looking inside the hut curiously.

"Anyway, the map says that this area is in Kouka territory, but this is Kai right?"

"Yes. This village is on the border, which means that our village never stays in the same country during wars. Once, this land belonged to Kouka, but now we belong to Kai" Kalgan's father said quietly. I slowly nodded.

"Argh...Where...?" I heard someone groan next to me. I swiftly turned around and saw Kija slowly opening his eyes.

"Kija!" I exclaimed and grabbed a glass of water and gave it to Kija.

"Are you feeling better, Kija?"

"Aria, I have to stop because of me.." He started. I smiled.

"Kija, please don't worry about that. I want you to be alright more than anything" I said. He smiled weakly as Yoon placed a wet cloth on his head.

"I gave him some medicine to help his fever" Yoon said.

"Why don't you go outside for a bit, Aria? We wouldn't want you to catch this fever" Jea-ha said, surprising me.

"It's fine, my immune system is strong"

"You could stretch your legs a bit outside. We'll take care of Kija here" Jea-ha argued.

"But—" I tried, only to be interrupted by Hak


"Let's go, Aria" Hak said. I looked down and walked outside with Hak behind me. I stopped to stare into the distance. I sat down on the ground with Hak standing behind me. We sat in a long silence.

"Hak, have you ever questioned where I came from?" My sudden question made Hak turn around to face me.

"When we first meet, you told me that you had saved me from bandits, but that wasn't why I was knocked out" I said and looked down at my necklace. Hak just stared at me in silence as I started to play with my necklace.

"I barely know myself, but I've started to piece some things together. And it all has to do with this necklace and where I'm from" I said and turned around to face Hak. He stared at me intensely.

I'm going to tell him

"Hak, I'm from—"

I was interrupted by the door opening into Kalgan's parents home. Jea-ha stood at the door and looked a little tired. I stood up and ran over to him, leaving Hak on the ground.

Does Jea-ha have news on Kija?

"Jea-ha?" I called his name and he turned towards me. Before I could blink, he embraced my small body in his arms, hugging me. His fingers gripped the back off my coat.

"Jea-ha...? What's wrong?" I carefully asked him. His body is pretty warm. I could hear Hak coming up behind me, but I couldn't turn around to look at him.

"Aria dear...I'm sor..." Jea-ha started and slowly fell forwards dragging me with him. I landed on my butt with Jea-ha's head on my lap. I looked at his face and saw sweat drops running down his face. My eyes widened.

Jea-ha has been infected?!

"Jea-ha!" I said and grabbed his shoulders, shaking them in hope of that he would wake up. Hak kneeled down to my level and poked Jea-ha with his spear.

"Did you die, droopy eyes?" Hak asked him and I punched him.

"He probably caught whatever Kija has, let's take him inside"


Happy Valentine's Day!!! ❤️💋

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