Chapter #56: Attack of the generals

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Third Person POV

The blonde wind tribe boy put his hand on his hip and turned to his young General.

"Where did all the captives go? Weren't they supposed to be here?"

"Yeah, there's no one here. Except all this stuff. I wonder if Aria was really here..." The General thought out loud. The blonde boy groaned in worry.

"Uwah, my poor, poor little sister! Taken to this dirty place full of perverts, and now the biggest pervert of them all, Lord Hak, is coming here too!" He cried and dramatically feel down to the ground. The General sighed.

"Aria is one scary woman, I bet she already escaped. But let's not assume too many things..."

"Did you find anyone yet?" The young king of Kouka kingdom entered the room and looked around. The General looked at him in the corner of the eye.

"....No" His answer was simple, yet could be considered rude by many who respected the king. But how could he completely forgive the the king for hurting his friend? Things like that can run deep, he once thought.

"Were these things taken from the captives?"

"....Looks like it. They must have been taken somewhere else. Perhaps they are being used as hostages now?" He spoke as the king picked up a nearby bag containing a few things.

This this Aria's?, the king thought and opened the bag.

His eyes widened at the contents. He carefully picked up a rectangular looking item made out of metal. It had cracks in it and a strange button. He studied it and wondered how the young woman could have something like this. He put it back and looked at the other items.

Strange clothing, a pair of earrings, the hairpin he had given her and....

His eyes widened once again.

...a ring?

"Your majesty, is there something amiss?" The king's closest guard, the General of the sky tribe approached him from behind and asked. The king quickly hid the contents behind himself and faces the General with a seemingly calm expression.

"Ah, no. Did you find anyone?"

"It would seem that there is no one in this fort, so I came to ask permission to advance further in" He said with a stern voice.

"I see, I will go as well" The young king said and smiled, making the general slightly bow and leave the room. The young king clenched the ring in his hand.

Aria...who are you?

Ayura POV

They gathered all the slaves here at this assembly  area in the fort, what are they...

I felt my head being pushed down towards the ground. I held back a punch.

"Lord Kushibi is nearly here, drop down on your knees and greet him" He spat and let go of my head. I heard the sound of wheels and tried to look up.


An older man stepped out of a carriage and stopped to look at the slaves. I held back a gasp.

Kushibi, one of Sei kingdom's highest political rulers!

"Bring the slave here for public execution" He muttered, loud enough for me to hear. I heard soldiers coming inside the fort.

Public execution?

I looked up and saw a lone girl standing with a rope tied around her upper body. She looked up slightly, making it able to see her face. This time, I couldn't hold back anything. I gasped and stood up.

Lady Lili?!

The guard next to me put his sword in front of me to stop me.

"Don't move! Sit back down, unless you want to be executed as well"

But Lady Lili is alone?! What of Miss Aria?!

"What a bother, hurry up and start the execution"

"My apologies, Lord Kushibi. Right now, a group of intruders from Kouka kingdom are—"

"I've heard. A number of people that forced the troops at Hotsuma's fort to surrender. They're probably just a group of relatives looking to stage a rescue or something" Kushibi spoke before smirking.

"Let Hotsuma's reputation fall to the ground for all I care. I'll cut the heads off of those intruders. I would say that I chose the right time to visit. Hurry and lead those intruders here. They can't lift a finger, the slaves life's are in our hands"

Soo won POV

I suddenly felt something.

Was that...?

"Is something wrong, your majesty?" Guen-Tae asked me. I looked at him.

"Did you not...hear something?" I asked him, where as he looked at me with a confused expression. He tried listening for something when I suddenly felt arrows being aimed at us.

"Get back!" I exclaimed and held my arm out to stop anyone from stepping forward. Several arrows landed in front of us and I looked up.

"Don't move, intruders. Take one step and a hundred arrows will rain down on you" A man said. I glared at him.

This is...Lord Kushibi

"Welcome to my fort. You were all 'invited' here. Now, a single lively girl is about to die. Take a look" He continued with a smirk. I looked at him in confusion before turning to look slightly behind him. My eyes widened.

"Lady Lili?!" Tetora exclaimed.

If Lili is here, then where is Aria?

"Was there another woman with her, Kushibi?" Elder Mun-deok asked him.

"Anyone else? Apparently not. Maybe she died escaping, the pitiful thing" He spat the last words. Suddenly, there was a commotion and people screaming behind him.

"What's going on?" Kushibi asked, annoyed.

"I-I'm not sure....intruders coming from another direction are..."

"Suppress them! We brought 1,000 soldiers here, you know!" Someone shouted before screaming in what I assumed was pain.

"Tae woo, that's..." Han-Dae started, but didn't finish. From the commotion, multiple screams were heard before four people showed themselves. A young boy, the two dragon warriors from before and...


I looked at him until he saw me. He stopped fighting and turned to look at me. We made eye contact for a while.

That's right...the second letter...

"Lady Lili!" I heard someone exclaim in exhaustion.

"Ayura!" Tetora exclaimed and stepped forward.


One of the soldiers let go of his arrow, which flew towards Tae woo. Han-Dae senses the arrow and cut it with his spear.

"You won't be able to hit the head of our tribe with such poor bowmanship!" Han-Dae shouted at him.

"Don't provoke them, you idiot" Tae woo sighed. I stepped forward, gaining their attention.

"But that's why we came here, right? We came here in order to rescue Lady Lili and Lady Aria. We tried to quietly follow along with their 'invitation', but Lord Kushibi must not know that the people standing before him are four of the heads of the tribes of Kouka kingdom" I said and unsheathed my sword.

"Now then, shall we?"



and once again, I'm behind on writing chapters because I tried wearing DIY gel nails. Apparently once you put them on, they're impossible to get off so I had to rip them off

luckily they were only like 16 dollars so it wasn't too much of a waste

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