Chapter #14: The warning signs

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Soo won POV

I listened to a guard talking about Soo-Jin exiting the capital, but my mind kept going back to the same thing.


Was I wrong to leave her in Awa? What if the pirates did something to her? No, because then Hak would do something...

I closed out the thoughts about Aria and turned to the door, which had just been opened by a messenger.

"What is it?" I asked and smiled.

"It's the fire tribe! Messengers have reported that General Kan Soo-Jin have taken large troops to meet Li Hazara of the Kai Empire on the battlefield!" He told me. My eyes widened but I immediately regained my composure.

"We need to have a general meeting. Tell the generals to come to the castle" I replied and walked out the room.

"Yes, King Soo won!" I heard a faint voice say before the door behind me closed. I walked down the castle halls towards Lord Kye-Sook's room.

A war? Why now and why didn't General Kan Soo-Jin tell us about it? Just as I thought on my coronation,...

...he might be planning to overthrow the throne

Aria POV

We walked through the streets of the fire tribe while looking for someone that could help us get to the border of the fire tribe and Kai Empire. Since everybody feared the war, which had now been confirmed by some soldiers, no one was willing to borrow us some horses. Some citizens had even fled the capital and are right now seeking help from other tribes. And I'm not going to lie, the war was scaring me too.

"Aria" Shin-ah said. I turned to him and saw him pointing at a group of panicked soldiers. I went up to them, even though I could hear Hak's protests in the back of my mind.

"It's true! Believe us!" A soldier said through loud cries. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"What's true?" I asked him while Shin-ah came up behind me.

"It's Li Hazara's troops! They have broken through the border!" A panicked soldier said and covered his head with his wounded hands. I froze.

"Are you sure? What about the general and his troops?" I asked him.

"The General is said to have fallen in battle!" Another soldier said and cried. I looked at the ground for a while and then took Shin-ah's hand. The action made him let out a sound of surprise and look at me. I looked at him.

"Shin-ah, we need to find the others and go towards the border" I said. He just stood still for some time before looking around. His gaze stopped when he looked to his right and he gripped my hand. He dragged me through the people of the capital until we ended up in front of Hak and everybody else.

"What's happening Aria dear? You look stressed" Jea-ha said and eyed me curiously.

"It's Li Hazara. He has broken through the border and probably killed the general" I said and picked up my bag. Yoon looked at me.

"What do we do now?" He asked me and I looked over the many people who were in the middle of evacuating the capital.

"We need to get out of the capital and go towards the border. If this many people are leaving right now, then that means that there needs to be horses outside" I answered. Yoon nodded and everyone started packing up their things. I sat down on the ground and touched my bandaged leg.

Ever since this morning, I've been feeling dizzy...

I removed my hand and leaned towards the wall behind me.

I never imagined that I would go to war


Today is our first "real" day with lessons and our first ever lesson in eighth grade was cancelled ;)) so we got to start at 9:25 AM :))

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