Chapter #23: The dormant daughter of the water tribe

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Aria POV

The girl looks at me surprised as she takes my hand. Her hand is pretty cold.

"You're Destiny?!" She exclaims. I carefully nod as she shakes my hand.

"My father has told me about you! How you helped in the war and how you could probably help us too!" She excitedly tells me and I look at her with a curious look.

"Your father seems to know a lot about me. Who is he?" I ask her. She hesitated a little before answering me.

"An Yoon-Gi of the water tribe" She says. I try to figure out where I recognize the name before I realize.

"Ah, the General. He's very nice" I say and she looks away.

"You've met the general of the water tribe?!" I hear Yoon behind me. I turn around and see Kija and Yoon looking at me surprised. I chuckle.

"All the generals, and His majesty's advisor. Anyway, your hands are pretty cold Lili. We're not having much luck finding an inn to stay at so we're starting a fire out here. Would you like to join us?" I ask Lili and she nods.


After we lit up the fire, I talked to Lili about the problem in the water tribe.


"Yes, it's a drug that people have started taking. At first, it makes you unable to feel any pain. But after you take a lot of it you slowly lose control and become insane. After that, death is a possibility" She explains and I cringe.

"That sounds like a big problem. Don't you—"

"Aria!" I hear a male voice behind me. I recognize it as Hak. I turn around and see him, Shin-ah and Jea-ha.

"Welcome back Hak, Jea-ha and Shinah . This is Lili" I say and point at Lili. Hak nods at Lili in a welcoming gesture before sitting down next to me. Lili looks at me weirdly.

"Aria?" I froze and looked at Hak, who looked as bored as usual. I smiled and turned back to Lili.

"Whoops, you found me out. Destiny is just a cover up name I created when I first met the king" I explained to her.

"I see, but why have a fake name?" She asks me.

"I didn't know that he was the king. I also didn't know that he would tell so many people about me me. Anyway, back to my question, don't you—" I began before I was interrupted again.

"Lady Lili!" I heard someone shout. I looked behind Lili and saw a blonde haired woman and a black haired one. Both of them were armed.

"Ayura, Tetora" Lili recognized them. "Ayura" and "Tetora" looked at her and saw a small scar on her cheek. In a matter of seconds, their swords were pointed at me.

"You. What did you do to Lady Lili?" The blonde one asked. I heard someone unsheath their sword behind me. Hak stood up and pointed his Quan dao at the blonde woman.

"That's awfully rude of you to point a sword at an innocent civilian, have you no shame?" Hak spoke coldly. I stood up and was about to say something, when Lili interrupted me.


"Ayura, Tetora! These people didn't do anything, I scratched my cheek when I hid behind a house from a Nadia addict" Lili explained. Ayura and Tetora processed Lili's words before sheathing their swords and stepping back.

"We apologize for our behavior. Our Lady runs away and gets into trouble often, so we've started assuming that it might not just be her clumsiness" They explained while Shin-ah sheathed his sword again.

"Hey, wait—" Lili protested.

"I see. As someone who had the same problem, I can understand you" Hak agreed and put away his weapon. I realized what he meant and turned to him.

"Oi!" I protested along with Lili.


Finished two chapters in one day >:) (you: not very difficult n your chapters are shorter than—") shush :)

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