Chapter #17: The war between the tribes (PT. 2)

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Aria POV

I saw Soo-Jin smirking at me, so I smirked back at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went back to the wind tribe to see your brother" Soo-Jin said and I blinked in confusion. I tried to look in my head to see what he was talking about, but all I could see was one giant question mark.

"Brother? What brother?" I asked Soo-Jin and his smirk slowly disappeared.

"Your brother in the wind tribe that you were talking about with Mun-deok" He said and judging by his tone, he was getting slightly irritated. And I understand him.

If I was planning to take over an entire country and some beautiful girl would try and stop me, I would get irritated too.

"Oh, Han-Dae? He's not my brother" I said with a smile, while someone behind me snorted. In the back of my head I could hear Han-Dae silently crying. I giggled at the thought. Soo-Jin on the other hand, looked furious.

"You lied to Soo won? You do realize it is against the law?" He asked me. I laughed out loud at his statement.

Is this guy serious?!

"Coming from someone who is trying to overthrow the throne just because he thinks he is King Hiryuu and that he therefore is allowed to do that, your words don't carry much weight. If you dare talk about what's legal and what's not, that just makes you even more of a hypocrite" I said. In my head, I could hear the demons laugh. Soo-Jin's face is red with anger, but I continue with my speech.

"Not only are you trying to overthrow the king and the throne, you manipulated your soldiers into fighting people from their own country and you even killed one of your soldiers when he tried to help you. That is not how a king should act" I told him and his head snapped up and looked at me after my last statement. I finished with seven simple words.

"You are not fit to be king!"

Soo-Jin looks like he's past his boiling point, because he's shouting orders like crazy. His face is as red as a tomato, and it's pretty much satisfying.

"Kill that girl and those people who dare stand in my way!" He ordered and pointed his sword at me. I smirked and grabbed my sword, but I didn't feel the sword or the sheathe. Instead, Hak and the dragons fought the incoming soldiers. The whole time, Hak didn't face me. That could mean one of two things.

1; he's to busy trying not to fucking die
2; he took my—

"Hak! You took my sword!" I shouted at him, but of course he ignored me.

That son of a—

I pulled out a dagger that I had hidden in my clothes and looked around. In the corner of my eye, I could see a soldier coming for Yoon. I turned around and charged at the soldier. I stabbed him in the shoulder and kicked him in the abdomen. He screamed and fell down in pain. I knew that a kick in the abdomen hurt, I've heard that a kick there makes you feel like you can't breathe. I flinched and backed away from him. I was successful, but my foot hurt since I hit a piece of the armor.

"Aria!" I heard Yoon behind me.

"I'm fine, really" I said and gave him a side ways smile.

"Mister took miss sword because of that" Zeno said and inspected my foot. I felt a little ashamed, but I'm still proud to have attacked him.

"Y-You wench!" I heard a voice behind me and recognized it as the man I attacked. He charged towards me, Zeno and Yoon. I grabbed my dagger and got ready to attack, but then a large hand went through his stomach. Large nails spread out, they almost looked like drago—



"Kija!" I exclaimed. He threw away the body and nodded at me before continuing to fight. I wiped some of the blood away from face and sheathed my dagger.

I think I'll have to watch the rest of the fight

Soo won POV

Me and Joo doh had moved on to the next step, so now I was fighting along side him and Lord Guen-Tae.

In the midst of the war, a messenger soldier approached me. He looked both terrified and amazed at the same time.

"K-King Soo won!" He exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked him and stabbed a fire tribe soldier in the head, killing him.

"Soldiers have reported a group of bandits near the Kai and fire tribe camp! They are said to have amazing powers, and one of them looks like the thunder beast!" He said and my eyes widened.


"Lord Joo doh and Lord Guen-Tae, I'm going to look up these bandits with amazing strength!" I said and started riding of in the direction of the Kai and fire tribe camp.

"Hey, I want to see the bandits with amazing strength too!" Guen-Tae shouted behind me, and I could hear him and Joo doh ride with their horses behind me.

If Hak is there, then that could mean that Aria is also there

When we finally were there, I saw the bandits all out fighting. Three of them were standing in the middle. I locked eyes with one of them, who was a woman. She walked up to a tall, hooded man with a Quan Dao that looked like Hak's. I froze when I realized what this meant.


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