Chapter #8: The Tunder beast's past

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Aria POV

As I thought, I had reopened my wound. The doctor cleaned and bandaged my leg. He told me to rest and to eat proper meals. So here I was, sitting in a room with Tae woo, Han-Dae and Tae Yeon while Hak and everyone else were outside. They offered to help the wind tribe soldiers with their practice. I wanted to help too, but since my leg wasn't completely healed yet, I had to sit and wait in a resting room. Me, Tae woo and Han-Dae we're talking about Hak while Tae Yeon was fast asleep with his head in my lap.

"So you saw Soo won huh?" Tae woo said. I nodded and took some strands of hair out of Tae Yeon's face.

"I could never have guessed that he killed the late king....He just doesn't look like the kind of person that would do such a thing" I said. Tae woo nodded.

"He and Lord Hak were good friends. At some point, I remember that Hak even told Soo won that when King Il dies Hak would be Soo won's right wing" Tae woo said and my eyes widened. He really trusted him, huh?

"But then, Hak walked into King Il's room to talk to him only to find him dead on the floor. He and Soo won fought until Hak was very injured. He ran away from the castle and got his injuries treated here in the wind tribe. Then he gave back his title as General of the wind tribe to Elder Mun-deok and left" Tae woo said. I slowly nodded. Hak...

Flashback - 5 years ago, Hiryuu castle

Third Person POV

A boy with blonde hair and a boy with black hair were running on a snow covered field. They were both laughing, but the dark haired boy seemed more serious than the blonde haired on. The dark haired boy slowed down, and his friend turned around.

"Hak, what is it?" The blonde boy asked and turned his head to the side. The dark haired boy stared at the blonde haired one and then smirked.

"I've decided. When you become king, I will be your right wing" He answered and threw a snowball at the blonde haired boy.

"When I become king?" The blonde haired boy said and used his sleeves to get the snow, which had now turned into water, out of his face. The dark haired boy turned around and started to make a new snowball.

"Yeah. When King Il dies, you are the next one to take over the throne. When that time comes, I will be by your side and protect you" The dark haired boy answered and looked at the blonde haired boy. The black haired boy gave him a close-eyed smile and the blonde boy blushed out of embarrassment.

End of flashback


Aria POV

We have stayed at Capital Fuuga for 2 days, and now it's time for us to leave. We packed up our things and changed my bandages one last time before going to talk with Mun-deok.

"Aria, I need to tell you something about the fire tribe" Mun-deok said and looked over the lands of the wind tribe.

"Why? What's happening over there?" I asked him, confused.

"You see, I heard from a few of the merchants here in Fuuga that the situation in the villages of the fire tribe is very bad. People are starving and at the same time, they have to pay high taxes. If you and your group do not have anything to do, then please help some of the villages" Mun-deok explained.

"What? Why is no one in the government doing anything? What about Soo-Jin?" I asked him.

"Soo-Jin does not care about the villages. He only takes in young men to train them in order to make them his soldiers" He told me.  Seriously? He calls himself a general but he can't take care of the villages in his own tribe?! I nodded and looked at Mun-deok.

"Then that's what we'll do for now" I said and Mun-deok smiled.


Who is better, Hak or Soo won? ;)

And I know I made it seem like Soo won and Hak are together, but they just seem like a good pair 😅😏

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