Chapter #41: Strike

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Third Person POV

"Retreat! Retreat!" The voice of soldiers echoed through the battlefield.

"Hey, what're you doing?! We're retreating!" A soldiers on horseback said.

"Please lend me a hand! I'm trying to put him on a horse!" A soldier cried while holding the limp body of a fallen soldier in his arms.

"Don't be stupid! That man is already a goner! Leave him and—" the man was cut off by a sword being showed through his heart, ending his life.

"Ah...aah...Damn it! Damn you bastards from Kouka kingdom!" The lone soldier cried, feeling resent for Kouka kingdom rise up in his heart.

The fight at Kin province in the Kai empire ended in failure for Kai empire. The Kouka army suppressed their army with immense power.

"It's already over for Kin province, Kouka is too strong..."

"This place is going to slowly become Kouka kingdom's..."


"Curse the Kouka Kingdom! We won't just sit here quietly and retreat! If it's going to become Kouka's, then we might as well tear every last part of it to pieces!"

Aria POV

"How are Kija and the others doing? Any better?" I asked Yoon while helping him with carrying towels. He shook his head.

"Not good. They're throwing up everything the eat" He said and I felt my heart sink.

"I see...isn't there any medicine in this area?"

"If there is, then I just can't get my hands on it"

I walked into the tent that Kija, Jea-ha and Shin-ah were in and left the towels. After talking them for a bit, they eventually made me get out since they didn't want me to catch whatever they have.

I walked around for a while until I heard a woman screaming. My eyes widened and I ran towards the source. I saw the woman.

Kalgan's mom?


"What's wrong?" I asked her. She turned to me with worry in her eyes.

"Kalgan! My son is gone! That child probably went off somewhere again..."

"I'll go look for him!" I said and ran out of the village. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him until I saw something on the fields.

"Kalgan!" I saw something behind him. A soldier? Is he from Kouka?!

I took my bow and an arrow and aimed it at the soldier. Doesn't matter. He's dead for trying to hurt an innocent child! I released the arrow which hit him in the head. He fell off his horse and hit the ground, dead.

"Kalgan, where were you?" I asked him as he ran up to me. He panted.



"I wanted to give it to Kija and the others. I'm sorry....I gave everyone the sickness"

" didn't have to..."I said before I heard the sound of many hooves hit the ground. I looked up and saw more soldiers riding towards us.

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