Chapter #13: Saika - The capital of the fire tribe

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Anyways, please enjoy the chapter :)

Aria POV

We arrived at the capital very late in the night. When we finally got a room at a Inn, I feel asleep the second we got into the room. However, Hak and Jea-ha were up. They were talking about different things, although it was calming to fall asleep to their voices.

-The next morning-

I woke up before everyone else. When I looked out of the window in our room, I saw some fire tribe soldiers and a man riding a horse.

And I had seen that man before.

We locked eyes and we both were surprised to see each other, although he was probably more surprised to see me. I looked at him until he left the capital with the soldiers.

If the general of the fire tribe leaves the capital, something must be going on.

"Is that the father of the man who helped you get to Hiryuu castle?" Someone said behind me. I turned around so fast that my arm hit Hak's Quan dao which was leaning against a wall. I grabbed my hand pressed it to try and ease the pain, but to no avail.

"Is miss alright?" Someone asked me. I sighed and let go of my hand.

"I'm fine, Zeno" I reassured him and smiled. He was wearing his signature smile which could make any girl's heart melt.

"Anyway, we should wake up the others. I want to ask around town to see where the General is going" I said. Zeno nodded and jumped onto Shin-ah, who woke up immediately and put on his mask.


We were now on the streets of the capital, asking around for information about the general. Because of their good looks, Hak, Jea-ha, Kija and Zeno were able to get a lot of information from the ladies. Me and Yoon asked the men who bought medicine from Yoon's shop.

"Do you happen to know why the General is going outside of the capital?" I asked a man who had just payed for some medicine to help his headache. He looked at me and leaned closer so that he could whisper.

"You didn't hear this from me, but there are rumors that he is negotiating with Sen Province; Li Hazara of the Kai Empire....about a war" He explained quietly. My eyes widened.

"A war? Is Kouka kingdom having a war with Kai Empire?" I whispered. I tried to pretend that I knew what this Kai Empire was, but I don't think it sounded very convincing. Luckily, the man continued without asking.

"No, no! People believe that General Kan Soo-Jin will rebel against King Soo won" He said and I gasped. He wants to rebel against Soo won?

"But...why?" I asked and the man shook his head.

"I do not know, for it is only a rumor" He said. I nodded and smiled.

"I see. Thank you for your information and for buying medicine from my friend here" I said.

"You are very welcome, this medicine will hopefully work in getting rid of this awful headache" He said and walked away. My smile turned into a look of anxiety.

I need to tell everyone about this

-Time skip- (A/N: Sorry for all of the timeskips, I just can't think of what to write :/)

"I got some information from a man who bought medicine from Yoon" I said after we got back to the room. Kija looked at me.

"What did he tell you?"

"He said that there's a rumor going around about Soo-Jin possibly rebelling against Soo won. He's supposedly going to negotiate with Li Hazara of the Kai Empire about a war" I said and looked at my hands.

"What? Why would he do that?" Kija asked to no one in particular.

"Hak, you knew the king and the generals personally. Any idea why he would to this?" Jea-ha asked and looked at Hak. Hak looked at him and leaned against a wall.

"Kan Soo-Jin believes that he is the red dragon and that the castle is rightfully his. But he can not take the throne with just his army, so instead he just kisses the kings ass" He explained. 

"That is a possible motive" I said and looked into the sky.

I wonder if Soo won knows about this...


Ughhhh I LOVE this arc along with the water tribe arc

We're going back from Colorado tomorrow on a 9h 35min flight to frankfurt, then 2h back to Stockholm ughh


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