Chapter #34: Thunder storm

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Aria POV

"Hak! Your hand, we need to—" I started but interrupted myself when Hak looked up at Hiyou. I saw his expression.

He looks insane.

"Don't get in the way! I'm going to kill that woman!" Hiyou charged again, only to be killed by Hak. He punched him hard in the face so he fell to the ground. I looked away from the dead body and turned to who Hak was looking at.

Soo won

Hak ripped the knife out of his arm and threw it to the ground so blood started leaking out. He started walking towards Soo won. Two guards ran towards Hak and tried to kill him. I tried to stop them, but it was too late. Hak hit one guard in the face with his arm so hard that he was slammed into a wall.

The other guard swore out loud and tried to kill Hak with his sword, but his fist was caught by Hak's hand. The man let out a surprised breath and soon the snap of his hand was heard. He screamed out in pain and I closed my eyes and looked away. The man fell to the ground clutching his hand while Hak continued forward. But he was immediately stopped by Joo doh, who used his swords to make a large cut on Hak. I gasped.

"Hak!" Me and Yoon shouted out, but he didn't react. Instead he punched Joo doh and threw him into a wall. Lili has backed away and was holding a hand over her mouth. I looked at her sadly and thought about walking over to her, but then I saw Hak. He was slowly reaching out his hand towards a shocked Soo won, but Jea-ha stopped him. Hak's hand twitched.

"Get out of my way" Hak's words were heard loud and clear, but Jea-ha didn't budge.

"Do you know them? You might have some reason for this, but they're Lili's and Aria's bodyguards that helped us fight. They're on our side" Jea-ha said with a firm voice. I clenched my fists.

"Our side? Our side, you say?" Hak growled. I could see the bloodthirst in Hak's face. 

"At least put your hand down, you've lost to much blood. Aria is right, we need to treat your wounds"

"Let me go"

"I'll let you go once you've settled down"

"LET ME GO!" Hak shouted and punched Jea-ha in the stomach. Jea-ha collapsed to the ground holding his stomach.  I tried to get to them, but Yoon stopped me.

"Hak! Calm down!" I shouted at him, but he obviously didn't listen. Jea-ha slowly stood up.

"Well shoot, I can't leave it like this, now can I?" Jea-ha said and kicked Hak in the face. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't.

My two friends are fighting and I can't help them. I'm still this weak?!

"Can't you faint for me?" Jea-ha said when he saw that Hak slowly stood up. He turned to Joo doh and the two injured guards.

"Are you people over there alive? I'll try to hold him off, leave while I do that" Jea-ha said. Jea-ha's words made Hak punch him but Jea-ha blocked it with his dragon leg and kicked him away.

"Kija! Lend me your power!"


"Hak's life will be in danger if this keeps up!" Jea-ha and Kija tried to restrain Hak while Soo won and Joo doh got away with their guards. Me and Soo won made eye contact once again before he disappeared.

"LET ME GO! HE IS THE ONLY ONE!!!" Hak screamed and tried to reach out for Soo won again. I finally broke out of  Yoon's grip and walked up to Hak.

"Hak. Please calm down. Your injuries are bad, so will you please postpone this until another time?" I said and grabbed Hak's bloody hand. He finally calmed down and carefully grabbed my hand too.

-A few days later-

"Ah, you came Lili!" I smiled at Lili as she walked up to us and gave me a huge bag.

"I brought some foods that you might need out here" She said as I sweat dropped.

"I-I see...thank you, Lili" I said and set the bag down on the ground. Lili turned around and ran back to the town.

"Well, I need to do some things so I'll see you later, Aria!"

"Ah! Lili—and she's gone" I said and put my hands on my hips. Yoon came out of the tent and saw all the stuff.

"Woah! What's all of this?"

"Care package from Lili. But how is Hak doing? Any better?" I asked as Yoon looked though the equipment Lili gave us.

"Yes. His wounds are healing nicely thanks to the Senjuso"

"Good" I said and smiled. I haven't talked much with Hak since the incident, but I've helped with changing bandages and stuff like that since he helped me when I was hurt. But I don't want it to be like that forever. I helped Yoon carry all the foods and medicines back to the camp and then helped with the food.

-Time skip-

I picked up another stick and looked at the moon.

It's very beautiful

I continued picking up stick after stick until I almost had enough to last for tonight and for tomorrow morning. I smiled and turned around to look for more when I saw Hak. He was standing a few meters in front of me and looked at the moon. He turned forwards and walked up to me.

"Let's get back to the tent" He said and stood next to me.

"Okay" I said and we started walking back. An awkward silence fell upon us as we walked. The only thing that could be heard was the wildlife and our soft breathing. Suddenly, someone took the sticks I was carrying.

"I'll carry that" Hak said but I took them back, surprising him.

"No. You're injured, I bet you don't even have any hand strength" I said and grabbed his loose hand to give it a light squeeze. He suddenly gripped my hand so hard that I thought it was going to break. I ripped it back in a second and shook it to get the blood circulation going again as I glared at Hak.

"That hurts! How can you have so much strength when you're injured?" I said and looked at my hand. I heard Hak chuckle and looked at him. His smile could catch any young girl's heart. I stopped in my tracks, making him stop.

"Aria, is something wrong?" He said and looked at me, who had started tearing up.

"And I even told myself that I wouldn't cry in front of you tonight, yet here I am, crying" I said and covered my face. I felt Hak move his hand from mine to the top of my head and push me into his chest. I gripped his coat.

"I don't see a thing"

I looked up at him and saw his face through a blur of tears. He looked at me and slowly moved his hand to the back of my head while leaning in. I slowly leaned towards him and closed my eyes until our lips met.

And now I've kissed the king of Kouka and his ex-general

I wonder if this will take a big toll on any other decisions I make?


I hate that last part like I'm sorry you had to read that

I also hate school, and it started today like can I just die please and thank you

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