Chapter #31: The moon rises

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Aria POV

We were just talking about getting rid of the Nadai when Lili came up with a horrible idea.

"Oh, then we should join up with that girl" Lili said, getting Soo won's attention. I froze.


"That Girl?"

"Yes, there's a group that are looking for him too, and they're also traveling entertainers" Lili explained.

"I see. They sound interesting, what kind of people are they?"

"Well some say that they are inhuman because of their strength, but they are really nice. They are probably in town right now" I almost face palmed.

"Then we should find them"


"Eh?! You're kidding right?" Lili said and looked around. I was quickly writing a note on a piece of paper that I had gotten from my bag.

I need to get this to Hak

"We're sharing this small room?" She asked in a surprised tone.

"Well, this was the only one available"

"It's not safe! Neither me or Destiny are married yet! What if something happens?" Lili said and went behind me.

"Ahahaha, there's no way~" Soo won said, a little too relaxed.

"You're too blunt, it's annoying" I said and grabbed him by the collar.

"You're rather full of yourself" He said before we heard a loud noise from under us.

"What was that?" I said and let go of Soo won. I grabbed my note to Hak and went down, ignoring Soo won's protests. I finally reached the counter, only to see Jea-ha holding down the cashier. Needless to say, he was surprised to see me.

"Stand back" Soo won said and got in front of me. Well, I guess it makes sense to be suspicious.

"Are you people lodging here? Sorry if I disturbed your rest" Jea-ha said and smiled.

"Who are you?" Soo won asked him.

"I was going to stay here, but then I noticed something bad" Jea-ha said and my eyes widened.

"Something bad?" I said while looking at a bottle next to the cashier.

"Poisoned liquor? Is it Nadai?" Soo won asked and picked up the bottle.

"You know of it?"

"I heard about it when I came to town"

The cashier told us that someone sold the drug to him at a store called Utsuro on the 3rd street. They told him that it was good liquor.

So they sold him liquor that was laced with drugs? Bastards.

"Anyway, let's dump it all" Soo won said and dumped out the contents of the bottle on the floor.

"Yeah. We'll examine this inn's liquor" Jea-ha agreed to his idea.


"Hm, we don't know which ones have it, so why not just destroy all of them?" Soo won said and started throwing bottles to the floor. I picked up one from the shelf and examined it.

"Jade wine?" I read out loud. Jea-ha and Soo won came up from behind me.

"Ah, so they have the illusive Jade wine!"

"That's some serious liquor! Maybe we can keep it?" Jea-ha said. I looked over at Joo doh, who looked pretty irritated. I sighed.

"Anyway, where are you from?" I turned to Jea-ha and smiled.

"I'm from anywhere and everywhere, any place with beautiful ladies such as yourself" He said and took my hand to place a kiss on it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Soo won's expression change for a second. I quickly slid the note through his sleeve when he kissed my hand. He obviously realized it and smirked at me before turning around and walked to the door.

"You shouldn't stay here for to long, it's dangerous" He said before walking out on the streets.

"Wait!" Soo won sent after him, but when he looked out the door he was already gone.


I looked out on the now empty streets. It's pretty late so it's no wonder why no one is out.

I wonder where Hak and the others are...

"You can't sleep?" I heard a voice behind me and almost fell out the window I was sitting by. Luckily, the owner of the voice caught me and helped me sit on the window again.

"Ah, Thank you Soo won" I said and smiled awkwardly at him. I could barely make out his handsome features in the moonlight.

"You should sleep"

"Yeah, soon"

"Aria, what do you protect?" His question was so out of the blue that I had to think about for a while before answering.

"I protect my friends. Lili, the others.....Hak" Soo won visibly tensed up when I said Hak's name. I touched his shoulder carefully.

"And naturally, I want you to be safe too" I told him with a smile. He looked shocked but happy. Suddenly, he leaned in closer.

"Soo wo—" I started, but I was interrupted by Soo won's warm lips. That's when the realization sunk in.

Soo won was kissing me.



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