Chapter #10: Kan Tae-Jun

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Aria POV

"Kan Tae-Jun, what if I told you....that that particular group of bandits...was my group?" I carefully said and watched his expression go from surprise to absolute shock.

"What?" He said, shocked. I nodded and fake smiled.

"Please don't report us to your brother. If you do that, we'll kill you" I said before letting out a laugh and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Your words does not match your actions..." Hak said and looked at me. I sighed and took my hand off of his shoulder.

"Anyway, you should probably leave so that we can continue to take care of these people" I said and looked at Kija, who was helping an old man lie down.

"...what's happening here?" Tae-Jun asked me and I turned to him.

"These people are too weak to even move and many of them are to sick to be able to work. Since they can't work, they can't get enough food to survive" I explained and looked at him.

"But I only see women, children and elderly people. Where are all of the young men?" He asked and I clenched my fist and looked away.

"Your father took them to the capital in order to train them so that they can be soldiers" I said and he froze.

"I...see. I'm sorry" He said and my eyes widened.

"You don't have to say sorry, it's not entirely your fault." I said and looked at him and he smiled. He was about to say something when I realized I could use this to my advantage in order to help the villagers.

"But if you want to repay them anyway, you could come here tomorrow with food and medicine" I said and smiled. He looked at me and smiled.

"Alright. I will come here tomorrow. Please wait for me until then" He said and waved while walking off. I waved at him and turned to Hak and Jea-ha, who were now standing behind me.

"And that—" I began and put my hand on my hip. "—is how you charm someone" I continued and smirked.

"I don't see what's so charming about you. Stupidity and clumsiness isn't sexy" He said with a bored look on his face. My smirk disappeared and I started punching his arm.

"Jea-ha, help me beat this toe nail to death" I said while Jea-ha chuckled.


As promised, Tae-Jun came here the next day. He was dressed like a villager and I barely recognized him. I decided to take him to Yoon so we could see if he could help me with something.

"Who is this?" Yoon said and looked at Tae-Jun.

"This is a villager named Ta—e" I said and smiled.

"Tae? I have never seen him here before" Yoon said and eyes him oddly. I panicked and came up with a good lie.

"He was out on a business trip in the capital" I said and Yoon just nodded and went back to making medicine.

"All right, lets go to those children over there" I said and grabbed Tae-Jun's hand. I dragged him towards a bunch of children who were trying to take off Shin-ah's mask.

"Hello!" I said and clapped my hands together, grabbing everyone's attention.

"It's Aria!" A child said and pointed at me. I froze when I felt Tae-Jun's stare on me.

Shit shit shit shit shit—

"Aria?" He said and looked at me oddly.

"Haha, yeah. I...gave Soo won a fake name when I met him for the first time. I never thought that he would talk about me so much" I explained and scratched my neck. He looked at me before nodding. We decided not to speak about it right at that moment since the children were there.

"Who is this?" A little girl asked while tugging Tae-Jun's arm. He looked a little uncomfortable.

"That's Tae, he's a traveling merchant who came here to give you food!" I said. The little girl tugged on Tae-Jun's sleeve again.

"Can I have some food, mister? I haven't eaten in a whole day.." She said and Tae-Jun's eyes widened. He nodded at the girl before talking.


I watched him and a ton of other children walk away with a smile plastered over my face.

I guess the saying "like father, like son" is false


when I'm posting this it's 32 degrees outside, just amazing hahah

Can't it rain instead?

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