Chapter #21: The scale of Hakuryuu

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Okay so here's the thing; I don't really remember this chapter from the manga, I just read another fanfiction that had this chapter in it and I remembered that something like this happened in the manga. But it was a while ago since I last read the manga. So I don't know if this is going to be good or not, but if you know which chapter this is played out in, please tell me.

Imagine if this didn't really happen in the manga and I'm just delusional—


Aria POV


Truly a beautiful thing that can happen to anyone. It's just natural. No one can tell when it happens, you just have to wait and cherish it when it does.

—is what I thought until Yoon came back from buying food and medicine at a market.

"Yoon, what's that?" I said and looked at the small, shining object in his hand. He looked at it and then at me.

"I got it at the market. It's said to be a scale from the Hakuryuu that is supposed to make people fall in love" He explained. Kija and Jea-ha froze before making their way to us at lightning speed.

"What?!" Kija and Jea-ha said at the same time.

"Yoon, can I look at that for a second?" Jea-ha asked and extended his hand. Yoon put the scale in Jea-ha's hand and Jea-ha started inspecting it.

"How could you buy something like that? It's disrespectful to the holy white dragon!" Kija exclaimed, obviously offended. Yoon shook his head with a bored expression.

"No, I got it for free from an old man when I bought some rice" Yoon explained and I snorted.

"For free?!" Kija cried out.

"What's with the commotion over here?" Hak said and approached us together with Zeno, Shin-ah and Ao. Ao jumped to my side and I started petting him.

"Hak, someone gave Yoon a scale from the honorable white dragon that is said to make people fall in love, could you beli—"

"Oh, like a love potion?" Hak cut Kija off and looked at the scale with complete interest.

"Yeah, we should use it" Jea-ha said and smirked.

"Yeah, that would be fun!" I agreed.

"Zeno thinks love shouldn't be brought by some potion, it should happen with the right person" Zeno said and I thought about it for a while before agreeing with him.

"You're right, Zeno. Shall we go get some wood for the fire?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Be back in at least 15 minutes!" Yoon shouted behind us.

"Yeah, yeah" I answered.

Yoon POV

After Aria and Zeno left, Jea-ha once again brought up his plan.

"We should use it on Aria" He proposed and smirked. Kija immediately disagreed.

"I-I could never do that to my master!" He exclaimed and blushed.

"Oh really? Haven't you ever wanted to hug Aria tightly with that dragon arm of yours?" Jea-ha asked Kija. After some seconds of silence, Kija let out a girly screech.

"I-I-I could never—AAHH!" He blushed furiously and tried to cover his face while Jea-ha chuckled. I sighed.

"We're not using it. It may be some kind of poison or something. I'll hold onto it for now" I decided.

"No, I'll keep it safe" Hak said.

"No, I can. I promise I won't use it on Aria" Jea-ha said and smirked.

"No, I will keep it safe!" Kija said too.

"No! Who knows what you dangerous beasts will do if you get your hands on this, especially you two!" I said and pointed an accusing finger at Hak and Jea-ha.

"Now give me the scale Jea-ha" I extended my hand to take the scale, but Jea-ha refused.

"Thunder beast, can you force his fist to open? Otherwise he'll use it on Aria" I told Hak, and after mentioning Aria, he tried everything to open it. But to no avail.


Aria POV

"We're back!" I said and dropped the firewood next to Yoon. Zeno did the same while I stretched my back. I saw Hak trying to get something from Jea-ha and immediately realized what it was.

"Are you still fighting about that scale? Just give it to Yoon, everyone knows he's the most responsible here" I told them and sighed.

"Exactly" Yoon agreed. Jea-ha sighed.

"But it would be such a waste! We should at least try it" He said and almost ate it, but I smacked his hand away and took the scale from him.

"If you're so curious about it, then I'll just lick it" I said and liked the scale. Everyone gasped.

"Aria! What if that was some kind of poison?!" He said and snatched the scale from my hands.

"No, it's probably fa—ugh!" I started before collapsing from a horrible headache on the ground. I held my head in my hands as Yoon's and Hak ran up to me.

"I told you it was poison!" Yoon said and tried to get something out of his pocket. I slowly felt my headache disappear and I just stared at the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hak asked me and grabbed my shoulders. I looked up at him and met his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, Hak....were you always this...handsome?" I asked him with a smirk. Before he could react, I threw my arms around his neck and leaned closer.

"H-Hey!" Hak said and tried to catch me.

"Looks like the potion really worked" Jea-ha said. I looked at Hak, who was now slightly blushing. I let go of his neck and fell down laughing uncontrollably. Yoon quickly realized.

"It was just a prank I guess. So funny, like really" He said with a bored expression.

"Not as funny as your faces" I said and stood up.

"But seriously, it's just some kind of fake scale. It didn't taste weird. Plus I don't need some kind of love potion, I already cherish all of you" I said and smiled. I felt Zeno jump and hug me from behind.

"Miss is so cute and nice!" Zeno said and I laughed. I saw Kija and Yoon blushing while Jea-ha and Hak just looked around themselves, not sure of what to do. Shin-ah...was quiet.

As usual.

After Zeno got off of my back, I felt someone else jump on me from behind. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jea-ha.

"Aria~~" He said before Hak dragged him off of me. I smirked and put my arms around both of their shoulders (Picture above!). I laughed at their expressions and Jea-ha got used to our position almost immediately. Hak looked more irritated. I smiled.

I really do love them though


Anime that the picture came from is called Kamisama Kiss :)) go watch it, it's a great anime

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