Chapter #46: Statue

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Aria POV


"What do you mean they're gone?" I asked in a calm voice.

"I don't know! Shin-ah became a rebel and then..."

"Hold up. Shin-ah? A rebel?"

"Yes! He went on a rampage and chopped down the tent and laughed loudly! And then Kija held an emergency council meeting and then Zeno fell and I just...I just..." Yoon exclaimed while me and Hak were trying to figure out what the fuck he's talking about.

"Kija held a council meeting?" I asked, shocked.

"THAT'S what's shocking to you?!"

"Calm down, you're only telling me weird things"

"Yeah, go step by step. Start with why Kija held— I mean what happened with everyone" I said. Yoon stares at me as he told me what happened.

~Flashback, Third Person POV~

The blue dragon slowly got up from the ground, surprising the company of people in front of him

"Shin-ah didn't get paralyzed from using his ability...?" The young moth— I mean the young boy said.

"Maybe because Zeno wasn't affected by it, Shin-ah wasn't affected by the backlash?" The green dragon said.

"It means that Zeno vs Shin-ah isn't much of a fight" The white dragon said. The yellow dragon agreed.

"Yeap, yeap. Seiryuu's ability doesn't work and Zeno doesn't get hurt. It'll just turn into a staring contest—" He started, But was interrupted by a sudden feeling of pressure.

"Hm?" He said as the dragons groaned from the pain, suddenly feeling very weak.

"Ah...kid!" He exclaimed and turned to the young boy, who fell to the ground with a thud, holding his head.

"My head hurts..." He said in pain.

"Stop this!" The yellow dragon exclaimed as he swiftly turned around to face the possessed, blue dragon.

"How can you withstand this pressure?" He asked the yellow dragon, shocked.

"It's because our length of servitude is different. It won't affect Ze..." The yellow dragon answered, but he stopped once he realized that the blue dragon had a rope tightened around him.

"...-no? Wha-you're doing this?" He finished.

"Zeno!" The boy exclaimed.

"When you do something like this, Zeno can't actually do anything, since I'm powerless" The yellow dragon said as the blue dragon threw his body over his shoulder.


"Ah, I wouldn't mind if you used your sword to cut me a little. Hey, where are you going?! Zeno is currently on loan, this is prohibited" The yellow dragon said as the blue dragon started to walk away with him still on his shoulder.

"Zeno...ugh.." The boy groaned before passing out.

~Flashback ended, back to Aria POV~

"After that, I passed out. When I woke up, Jea-ha and Kija were gone. I didn't know what to do, for the time being, I made lunch while I was waiting!" Yoon finished and held up a large, steaming bowl of food. I clapped my hands and went to pick up the animals I had dropped.

"As expected of Yoon. Thanks, mom!" I said in happiness and smiled.

"Indeed, the perfect image of a mother" Hak agreed.

"I'm not a mother!" Yoon exclaimed as I handed him the food we got.

"Anyway, now we know that this is serious"

"It's not a simple matter if Shin-ah used his power"

"It doesn't seem like it's actually Shin-ah. He lifted Zeno and carried him away. I wonder where they went..."

"Kija and Jea-ha probably went after him. We should go find them as well" I said and started walking into the forest, but Yoon stopped me.

"Wait! Let me roll the rice into rice balls!" Yoon said in a panic while rolling the rice into balls.

"Yoon, give it up. You already have the image of a mother" Hak said and put his hand up in a stopping motion. A few minutes later, we were on our way into the forest to look for Kija, Shin-ah, Jea-ha and Zeno.

"Kija! Shin-ah! Zeno! Green pervert! Where are you? Come out, we have cookies! Hey guys, do you have cookies? Cuz otherwise, some people are going to be pretty disappointed" I whispered the last part to Hak and Yoon, who just looked around.

"I wonder if there are any other insults I could come up with for white snake"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's pretty used to white snake by now"

"Yeah, I guess he is. But what about Jea-ha?"

"Insults are compliments for that guy"

"True. His disease runs deep" While Yoon and Hak conversed, I was able to find a familiar squirrel on the ground"

"Ao!" I said and ran up to his dead-looking body.

"Wake up! Ao!" I said and shook his small body in my hands.

"Wait, I know what to do. Pukyuu, food!" Yoon said and just like that, Ao sat up.

"Wow, cool Yoon! You're like an animal whisperer!" I said and put Ao on my shoulder. I looked to my side and felt my eyes widen in surprise.

"Shin-ah's mask? Ao, where is Shin-ah and the others?" I asked Ao and picked up the mask. I could see Hak pointing at a statue in the corner of my eye.

"A statue?" He said and looked down a dark path of stairs that formed themselves under the statue. They led to somewhere under the statue. I walked up to them and stood next to Hak.

"Stairs? Maybe Kija and the others went down there" I said and followed Hak a few steps down.

Wow, this wasn't as bad of a decision as I thought it would be—

Suddenly I heard a loud rumbling noice and Yoon's calling out to me.

....never mind

"Aria! Take this—" He started and quickly threw something to me. The passage closed behind us and I looked at the object Yoon had thrown at me. I felt a smile cover my face. The onigiri.

"It's stuck" Hak said and tried to move the big rock that was covering the passageway.

"Oh well, there should be another exit" I said and started walking down the steps. Hak followed behind me.

"Aren't you scared?"

"Are you?"

"Of course not, I've been through way worse stuff than this. For example, there's this girl I travel with—" I interrupted him by smacking his shoulder.

"Woman" I corrected him and smirked. He looked away and tried to change the subject. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and grabbed onto the wall for support.

"What's wrong?"

"My extreme woman-ness is making me dizzy" I said and heard him snort. I tried to walk straight and keep myself conscious. But enough was enough as I slowly felt my body fall backwards into what I assumed was Hak.

"Hey, Aria! Wake up!" He tried but I slowly felt my body get heavier and heavier until everything went black.


Today I had a German presentation and I forgot my papers at home so everything went to hell
But according to my teacher, it went good :)

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