Chapter #57: Return of the daughter of the red dragon

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Third Person POV

"Don't move, intruders! Fire!" The soldiers of Sei shouted as they fired dozens of arrows at the King of Kouka and his followers. He merely looked at them.

"Your majesty, please stay back!" His bodyguard, General Joo doh shouted and got in front of the young king, Soo won. As the General of the water tribe asked his soldier for his bow, the enemy once again charged forward.

"Kill the intruders!" They shouted and released a wave of arrows anew. Joo doh and the general of the earth tribe, Guen-Tae, stepped forward and cut the arrows into pieces, making them fall to the ground. Meanwhile, Soo won started giving out orders.

"General Guen-Tae, take care of Lili! Elder Mun-deok, I leave the captives to you! General, Tae woo, take care of the archers above! If anyone gets to know Lady Aria's whereabouts, report to me immediately!" He ordered, his voice sterner when commanding the last order. They all nodded and started performing their tasks. Tae woo turned towards his friend.


"Leave it to Han-Dae!" His blonde friend exclaimed and climbed up the ladder towards the top of the fort wall. As he got higher up, more and more guards started to notice his presence.

"What?" A guard muttered as he say the blonde skipping up the ladder while chanting 'look out, here I come!'

"Fall!" The guard exclaimed and started shooting at him, along with the other guards. Han-Dae skillfully dodged all the arrows and finally got to the top.

"You...!" The same guard muttered as he glared at the blonde boy.

"Gah! There are more than I thought! Tae woo, hurry up!" He shouted at the you g general as he climbed up the ladder in a steady phase. In terms of speed,he was obviously no match.

"...Let's go" He said as he finally reached the top and pointed his spear towards the guards.

"Aye aye, young master"

Meanwhile, back with the king, he started a conversation with his bodyguard as thoughts ran through his mind.

Those things in Aria's bag...what were they? That ring, it can't be a wedding ring? Could she be married to one of the men she's traveling with? But she's so it really her bag? has to be Aria's bag. The hairpin I gave her was in there. But if she escaped, why would she leave those things here, and why would she leave Lili? Does she have a plan?

Aria...what are you thinking?, he thought and looked at Joo doh.

"General Joo doh, go reinforce General Guen-Tae..."

"I will stay here"

"If you are concerned about me, don't worry. I'll stay off the front lines"

"I just caught a glimpse of the Thunder beast. I am concerned about him most of all" He said as he watched the tall, muscular, dark haired man fight the soldiers that stood in his path. Due to not having any weapon, he had to fight using his bare fists. He punched another soldier out of the way and turned to his comrade.

"White snake, where are droopy eyes and Zeno?"

"I am not certain. At the very least, they are not on these grounds" His white haired friend answered. Hak growled in frustration.

Is Aria somewhere else as well? They should be able to find her...unless she already has escaped.

...I can leave it to them.

"White snake, Shin-ah, I'm going to save Lili. Can I leave these guys to you?" He asked his friends.

"That is fine, but you are unarmed" The white dragon answered.

"So are you" Hak said and blocked a nearby soldiers attack, grabbing his spear. He leaned closer to the soldier's ear and whispered.

"Let me borrow that" He whispered and ripped the spear out of the soldier's hand. He used the spear to kill a few more soldiers and then charged towards where the execution was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, the lord of the forts, Lord Kushibi, and his followers were getting more anxious.

"Lord Kushibi! It's dangerous here! Please move to a secure location...!"

"Their numbers are so sparse, why can't you kill them? Argh, never mind! Just hurry up and kill the girl, along with the other slaves! We'll teach them one death at a time!" He exclaimed. The soldiers started moving towards the slaves as the screams grew higher.

"Come here! Hurry up!" A soldier shouted and dragged a slave towards the execution grounds. This got the daughter of the water tribe's general attention and she turned around.

"Why are you bringing other people up here? They have nothing to do with this! Let them go!" She shouted at the soldier as the slave begged for mercy.

"I was told to hang them after you" The soldier said calmly and dragged the slave after him.

"Please don't! I don't want to die!" The slaves begged, and Lili felt something inside her snap. She ran towards the soldier and pushed him using her head since her hands were tied. He let out a sound of surprise and fell to the ground below him. Her friends and enemies watched her in surprise.

"I can't just sit here and watch more people get killed! You two, what are you spacing out for?! If you don't want to die, then fight!" She screamed at the two slaves before being punched down by the second soldier. Her allies gasped in shock.

"Lady Lili!"


Lady Lili was about to be grabbed once again by the soldier and dragged to the execution place, but something made everyone freeze. A loud roar, like a dragons roar, sounded across the forts. Slaves, soldiers, lords, dragons, allies, enemies, everyone stopped moving and looked around.

"Was that...?" The white dragon started and looked around, and suddenly a light started shining on the ground in the middle of the slaves. The nearby soldiers backed away, some of them running, while the slaves struggled to shield their eyes. The light faded and created small pieces of some kind of material that fell to the ground, shining in a bright red fragrance.

"It's so kind..." A slave muttered and closed his eyes. The slaves around him closed their eyes as well and felt the warmth and kindness overtake them. After the light faded completely, a woman's figure could be made out. Her long coat waved in the wind along with her dark red hair. The dragon necklace, in the form of a key with a dragon, glowed bright red as her piercing gaze fell upon the soldier holding Lady Lili's hair.

Her eyes burned with a flaming red color as she aimed her bow and arrow towards the soldier. Before he had any time to react, an arrow shot through the air and hit him in the chest. He slowly let go of the girl's hair and fell down from the large construction. The girl tiredly looked up at the woman with burning hair and smiled.

"So you finally came back,....Aria"



I actually really liked so I hope you like it as well

And sorry for the cliffhanger hahahahah

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