Chapter #50: Tousui, the town where people vanish

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Aria POV

It was already evening the next day when we arrived. A lot of people were gathering and everyone seemed happy, like they didn't know that people had vanished from their town.

"Whoa, fireworks!" I exclaimed in happiness. I've always loved fireworks, me and my family always used to light them up on New Year's Eve, even after my dad disappeared.

"They're holding a festival for a water god" Lili explained. I realized something and turned to Lili.

"Where they holding festivals when other people were kidnapped?" I asked her.

"They hold them annually, so I don't think so"

"I see" The fireworks and laughter would probably drown out the sound of people being kidnapped, but if there were no festivals until now it can probably mean one of two things. One, they kidnapped a few people while they were knocked out or drugged, or two.....

I looked at the people preparing for the festivals and the ships coming in.

Tonight is when they will strike and take as many people as possible

"...Lady Lili" An old voice took time out of my thoughts. Lili turned to the source of the voice.

"Ah, Tsubaru. You came again" Lili said to the old woman called Tsubaru.

"It's fine, I want to solve this problem too" Tsubaru said and turned to us.

"Thank you very much. Ah, let me introduce you. This is Tsubaru, an acquaintance. A week ago, Tsubaru's son went missing here" Lili explained. I turned to look at Tsubaru.

"I'm so sad to hear that. How old is he?"

"15. He left home one night and never came back" She said and sobbed. I smiled sadly at her. A fake smile.

A fake smile for seemingly fake tears. How can one go from smiling happily to full on sobbing in a few seconds? Her acting is good. Too good.
Oh well. I can't confront her here, imagine if I'm wrong. I'll have to be careful around her.

"Although I've been collecting information, I have no clues yet. Our border with Sei is very long. I'm not sure whether that has something to do with Nadai or not, but I want to start investigating from Tousui" Lili said. I nodded.

"I understand"

"Lady Lili, these people...?"

"Ah, these people are my friends who will help me investigate" Lili explained. Tsubaru's face lit up.

"Thank you so much for your help...! Lady Lili truly has weird friends" She exclaims.

Well, she has you

"Tsubaru owns an inn, I met her when I was fighting to ban Nadai. I'm here as a nobleman's daughter from Sensui. Please help me keep this secret" She whispered the last part to me. I noticed Tsubaru was talking to some strangers, but as soon as I made eye contact with them, they disappeared into a street corner and Tsubaru went into the crowd. I noticed a merchant behind her and got an idea.

"Hey Lili, could I borrow some money from you? I just remembered I had an urgent message I need to send to someone"

"Huh? Okay, sure..." Lili looked confused, but she handed me a bag of money.

"Thank you, I'll be right back" I said and winked at her.


After a while, the festival started and the sound of drums and laughter started filling the streets of Tousui. I felt myself get nervous and a bad feeling formed in my stomach.

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