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You walk into the coffee shop across the street from your job. Normally, you'd go to the Muffin Break on the other side but your friend persuaded you to try this one. The bell on the top chimes as you look for a seat. You find a cosy looking spot in the corner. It has a good view of the entire shop so you have a clear view of the counter. Picking up the menu, you scroll through the items. You look over at the counter to see who's working. The sight in front of you nearly makes you choke on air.

Kim Seokjin is working at a coffee shop. The guy you've been crushing on for almost 4 years

Pulling up you big girl panties, you march to the counter. He looks down at you and smiles.

"Y/N! What can I get you?"

You can slowly feel your face turning red as you recite your order.

"Could I get one Americano, please?"

He smirks, quickly adding up your total.

"Any sugar? Cream?"

His eyes sparkle under the full light, completely entrancing you. You mindlessly shake your head and hand him the money. He places the change in your hand and goes to the next person. You slowly stumble to your seat and sigh dreamily.

He brings over your drink and winks at you. You're about to take a sip when you realise that you didn't ask for your usual two creams and sugar. You grimace at the drink and glance up to see Jin smiling at you. Risking your poor tastebuds, you take a sip. The bitter liquid coats your mouth as you try your hardest not spit it back out. A deep chuckle rings out next to you. You look up to see Jin with a plastic cup and a mug.

"Here, spit it out."

You oblige, gladly spitting out the vile concoction. He hands you the other mug with fresh coffe in it, "I knew you mucked up your order but I wanted to see how far you'd go."

He hands you a piece of paper and winks once more, walking back to his spot behind the counter.

You taste the coffee, smiling at how perfect it taste. Unrolling the paper, you smile to yourself when you see his number and a love heart.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now