taehyung + yoongi

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3 fucking am and your hand is stuck in the vending machine

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3 fucking am and your hand is stuck in the vending machine. You now get why so many people have chosen not to trust those dodgy things and actually put effort in to make the trip to the nearest convenience store. All you wanted was to get the chocolate the stupid machine ate up.


You scoff after your failed attempt to catch someone's attention. Who would be up at this hour anyway?

He follows the sound of animalistic grunts. It's the excitement of walking around in the dark that gets him, he'll have the chance of finding something interesting. What he does find though is nothing close to what he expected.

A laugh bubbles out of his throat before he can stop it.

"Wait, who's there? Can you help me? It really hurts!"

He stops laughing to move closer to you, placing a hand on your back.

"Ok, I will-"

"I'll take you out for coffee, just please help me."

He shrugs, mumbling about how he was going to help you but coffee sounds nice.

"Umm, ah! Here is the number for the vending machine fixer person," you giggle at his choice of words, waiting for his next sentence, "I'll give him a call."

He leans against the machine, phone pressed to his ear.


The man quickly puts his phone on speaker so you can address your issue.

"What the fuck do you want? It's three in the goddamn morning! If the machine ate your money, I ain't able to get it back for you!"

You roll your eyes, interrupting his list of complaints.

"My hand is stuck in the machine, can you help me get it out?"

It's silence on the phone until you hear a tired chuckle.

"You got your fucking hand stuck in the machine? I have to see this."

He hangs up and you await his arrival. The guy puts his phone back in his pocket and smiles down at you.

"So, what's your name?"

"Y/N, how about you?"

He slides down next to you, providing you with some support so you can rest your head on his shoulder.


A loud clatter of tools and a bunch of curse words make you look over in the darkness. The short male collects his tools and makes his way to the two of you, dropping them at your feet.

"Oh my fucking god, you actually got it stuck."

You smile sheepishly and nod, giving him a wave from inside. He looks over at Taehyung.

"You dating this goofball?"

Taehyung's cheeks turn bright pink as he denies the accusation.

"I was just walking past and she promised me a coffee if I helped her."

The man nods, folding his arms over his chest.

"Do I get coffee if I help you?"

You nod quickly, begging him to help you.

"Ok, well, I'm Yoongi."

The both of you introduce yourselves and he gets down to work, occasionally yelling at you for moving too much.

After what seemed like days, your hand is finally free and now holding a warm cup of coffee.

"The boys are gonna love this story."

You give Yoongi a deadpan look, sipping from your cup. Taehyung sits next to you, adding his and Yoongi's number to your phone.

"Call us if you get stuck again."

Yoongi nods, offering you a gentle smile.

"Not at three in the morning, though."

They both leave, smiles still intact.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now