jimin - request

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warning: suggestive stuff, skip if you feel uncomfortable with it.

Read_2_C for you ;)
Also Y/F/S means your favourite song

The music playing in your ears makes up for the four gruelling hours you had to spend after school setting up for the sports carnival

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The music playing in your ears makes up for the four gruelling hours you had to spend after school setting up for the sports carnival.

Y/F/S starts playing, lifting your mood but the feeling that something is behind you makes you paranoid. You turn to see nothing there, scoffing at your ridiculousness all while wrapping your jacket around you tighter. You quicken your pace, suddenly afraid of the shadows and stupidly walk into an alley as a way to get home faster. You whimper and put the volume up on your phone, hoping it can chase away the ideas filling your mind.

You sigh in relief when you can see your house coming up in the distance. Your music suddenly shuts off, making your heart stop in your chest. Shakily, you return your phone to your bag, now aware of the unmistakable sound of footsteps making their way towards you.

You slowly look behind you, jumping when you see a boy walking towards you. He is dressed like any normal person who's just been let out from school. It makes you wonder if he goes to your school. He runs a hand through his hair, distracting you from your thoughts. Your eyes lower to his eye smile, instantly falling for it.

"Are you lost? I can help you get home."

"No, I'm good. Thank you."

He doesn't take no for an answer and continues walking towards you until you hit the slimy wall. He quickly holds up a napkin, placing it over your mouth. You try to hold your breath but ultimately fail, breathing in the fumes. Your vision goes blurry as you fall right into his arms.

You groan in pain, lifting your head up off the bed. You try to move your hands, panicking when you can't. You look to your side to see your hands handcuffed to the poles on the bed's headboard. You shake them around, hoping that all of this is a dream.

The door opens, making you immediately move your attention to that. The guy from the alley walks in, rid of his school boy disguise. Instead, he dons ripped jeans and no shirt. You try to avert your gaze but find yourself drawn in when the water from his hair drips onto his chest, the droplets slowly tracing each ab before hitting the floor. You gaze finally distances itself from his abs to see what he's holding.

A blindfold and a black gym bag.

It scares you to imagine what's in the bag as he assists you in drinking the glass water by your side.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" you ask in hopes of receiving a straight answer.

"The name is Jimin, baby. As to why I'm doing this, I just feel like it."

You scoff at his reasoning, suddenly feeling aware of how he stares at you. He runs his hands through his hair again, unzipping the bag.

"Time for a little fun."

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now