namjoon - request (pt 1)

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vampire ball

You straighten your dress out, trying to dampen the nerves that ruin your mood. Tonight is the vampire ball, a place where all the rich vampire men gather around in a fancy hall to choose their rich or not so rich vampire lady. Your mum calls you from downstairs so you do some final checks before running.

The hall is beautiful, you think to yourself as people wander around you either in search of a lady to seduce or a man to hook up with. The music is soft and classical, everyone else dancing while being dressed to the tens. You look down self consciously, frowning at your choice of dress.

Many people give you once overs, spiking up your nerves. You wring your hands together, moving to the food table. Taking a seat around it, you look out to the group of people dancing in front of you. The dancers move in sync, momentarily creating a gap in the middle for you to see who is sitting across the hall.

He leans forward, lip in teeth as he catches a glimpse of you staring at him. You admire his beauty, finding it honestly odd that you have never met a vampire that good looking before. His hair is a cotton candy pink, strange on a creature known for being vicious and very much terrifying but he makes it look menacing alongside his low smirk. His eyes flick up to yours, the silver orbs glowing in the pale light of the hall.

You think about how entrancing his aura and demeanour are, wondering if he has any lady waiting to cling to him for the remainder of the night because if it were you with him, you wouldn't let him go. He smirks as your thoughts fill his head, unbeknownst to you. The dancers move again, blocking your view of him, filling you with disappointment.

"Hey, gorgeous."

The way his sentence rolls out of his mouth is enough to get you sucking in a breath, torturing your bottom lip with your teeth. He extends his hand, bowing formerly and staring up at you with those eyes.

You take it, allowing yourself to be lead to the dance floor. He moves with surprising grace, pretty much sweeping you off your feet. His hand rests on your waist, his grip loose but possessive.

"I'm Namjoon, the king's right hand."

You look up at him with big eyes, loving how his eyes change shades of the beautiful silver depending on how he is feeling. His eyes lighten a shade or two, making him look like a child.

"Y/N, nice to meet you."

He smiles, placing a teasing kiss on your neck, going for seconds when you blush.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl. Perfect."

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