jin - request

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You smile as you listen to your older brother laugh at something his friends said. He did invite you to join them but with the amount of homework waiting for you, free time was out of the question. You lean back in your seat, sighing at the empty page in front of you. The assignment is due tomorrow and you hadn't even gotten a title down.

The stress of everything comes crashing down on you in one wave. It feels like something is shoved into your lungs as you struggle to pull in air. You fall off your chair, knocking some stuff onto the floor. You can feel yourself getting lightheaded as you use your last bit of energy to yell out Jin's name. The attack is your first, adding in a new set of fears. You can't control your mind as you can hear Jin's approaching footsteps.


There is no urgency in his voice as you continue to try and pull air in. He swings the door open, jumping to your side as soon as the situation sets in. He places your hand on his heart, asking you to mimic his breathing. His hold on you is tight as he watches you match his breathing, eyes stinging with tears.

You calm yourself down, pulling Jin closer to you. He calms his nerves down for your sake and releases shaky breaths as you cry in his arms. He doesn't push you about it and you can't help but feel guilty for pulling him away from his friends.

"I'm...I'm so sorr- sorry."

He shushes you, placing a long kiss on your forehead. You place your head back on his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. Your eye begin to close on their own accord as he gently asks you if you're ok. Once he feels your tired nod, he carries you into your bed and tells you to forget about your homework. He returns to his friends to let them know of the situation and that he'll catch up with them later. They nod and leave respectfully, wishing for you to get well.

Smiling softly, he climbs in bed with you, wrapping his arms around you as he did when the two of you were children.

"Love you, Y/N."

He falls asleep to the sound of your soft breathing. To him, the sound is second to heaven.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now