hoseok - request

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Halloween, a time for scaring. You have been dating the biggest scaredy cat for about three years and make sure that every Halloween night, he never forgets how scary you can be.

You decide to take a break this year because of how bad you feel for him. After every scare, he retreats to his room, muttering about how bad of a boyfriend he is for getting scared that easily. You comfort him with kisses but end up feeling slightly guilty. You smile as you walk into your apartment, singing out his name.

No reply.

Feeling slightly anxious, you move forward to see bloody footprints on the floor. You gasp, your hand flying to your mouth. Carefully, you rush through the house in search of Hoseok, only to find him in a pool of blood on the floor, gulping for air. You scream, tears blurring your vision. Without thinking, you reach his side and search for wounds.

"It's ok, baby. It's ok, just breathe, ok? I'm here. You'll be fine."

You turn and run to the bathroom, in search of the first aid kit and his phone. Finding both items, you run back into the hallway. No Hoseok. You drop everything when you see a bloody trail, leading to the space you stand in. You gulp, slowly turning around. Hoseok stands behind you, smiling at you with blood pooling out of the corner of his lip.

"OMG WHAT THE HELL?" You screech, landing on the floor. Hoseok begins laughing, grabbing the towel in his back pocket and wiping his mouth.

"Got you!"

You place a hand over your heart, pulling in heavy breaths.

"What? You idiot! I though you were hurt!"

He begins running as you chase after him with your shoe.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now