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You despise Jung Hoseok and luckily for you, he feels the exact same way about you. Never have you ever gotten along but conversation just flows so easily between you even if it ends in roasting each other.

You receive an invite to a masquerade ball run by the school. Figuring that you have nothing better to do, you decide to go.

Getting yourself ready, you slip on your mask and head off to the ball. Once you enter, you realise that it's extremely crowded with couples and that you didn't think to find someone to go with. You spot a loner in the corner and decide to chat him up. It's not like you two will ever go anywhere. Smiling, you make your way towards him.

"Hi, wanna dance?"

He smiles at you, bowing to take your hand. You allow him, smiling back.

"I probably should've asked but I will say that you are looking stunning."

"Thank you."

Most of the guys in your school are absolute a-holes but this guy actually seems nice. He leads you to the dance floor, gripping your waist. You slide your hand up to his shoulder and are immediately swept off your feet. The two of you glide gracefully on the floor, surprising many of the students.

"How about this? I'm really excited to find out who you are so I suggest at midnight, we rip these stupid things off."

Assuming he meant the masks, you nod. While dancing, you two chat it up and you end up really liking him by midnight.

He whisks you away from the dance floor and drags you out to the garden. He pulls you up against him as you stare at the floor. He tilts your chin upwards, making you look at him.

"On three. 1, 2-"

"3!" You yell it out, ripping off his mask as he does the same to yours.



He smirks at you as you begin to get bothered.

"Of all guys! It had to be horse face Hoseok!"

"Hey, I'm standing right here."

"Don't care." You groan in frustration as he strolls up to you.

"Making that sound is just gonna make this easier."

"What eas-"

He plants his lips on yours and for some reason, you end up kissing back. He doesn't stop, freely moving his hands up and down your chest.

Breathlessly, the two of you pull apart.

"Well, that was fun. Is this a long term thing or are you gonna slip from my grasp again?"

"We'll find out soon enough."

You kiss his cheek and strut off, leaving him falling in love.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now