namjoon - request

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Thank you lolalovemusik for requesting, hope you enjoy!!

You didn't hear your name being called until someone tugged on your earplug. Reluctantly taking it out of your ear, you smile up at your waiter at the smoothie bar. He asks you if he could get you anything else, lingering when you decline his offer.

"Is there something you want?"

He chuckles bashfully, taking the seat opposite you, unaware of its missing occupant.

"Actually, I haven't seen you around here with anyone that could be classified as a significant other and was just wondering if I could take you out on a date?"

You wince at the thought of having to reject such an adorable guy, knowing very well what could happen if you don't.

"Look, I'm sorry but-"

"Nora? You all good here?"

You nod, an effortless smile reaching your eyes at the sight of your boyfriend. He holds the smoothie you asked for in one hand while the straw of his is in between his kissable lips.

"Hey, Joonie."

The smoothie guy gulps, already making his escape. He waves you bye and apologies for over stepping his boundaries. You assure him that it's fine and wish him a good day. Namjoon takes the seat and frowns, pushing your drink towards you.

"What's wrong?"

He pouts, placing his face in his hand.

"You were so nice to him after he didn't even know you were taken. That's unfair. You should only be that nice with me."

You roll your eyes, a big part of you finding his jealousy cute.

"If I'm not nice, people won't like me. I don't want people to think badly of me because you can't handle the fact that I talk to other guys."

He sighs, taking a sassy sip from his smoothie.

"Yeah but those are guys that know they can't touch what's mine."

You look over Namjoon's shoulder to see the smoothie guy watching you two. Smiling to yourself, you get up and move onto Namjoon's lap, tilting his face over so you can give him a kiss on the lips. The smoothie guy immediately looks away. You slip off his lap and onto the seat next to him.


He looks behind and smiles, bringing you into his side.

"Much better."

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