Chapter 63

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Luke's POV

I hear the two sleeping beauties come up stairs and I scramble to hide all the pizza remains from Michael or he will go mad. Before I can hide them all Michael opens the door and his face drops. He scans the room looking at tomato and cheese all over the floor and dough in a pizza box. He then looks at me and Amba covered in tomato. We look like we've had a viscous fight and the pizza won now we are being told off by Michael. We look so guilty.

"MY LOVES WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?" Michael grabs the pizza box with left over pizza. "Look at you! you're a state! how dare they" he says picking up a crust with looks brutally mutilated and acts like a mother with a sick child nursing it back to health. We watch Michael and try to hide our laughter it gets too much for me and I just explode with laughter which makes everyone else start.

After Michael finishes the rest of the pizza we go to the park as it is a nice sunny day. We sit on the grass with ice creams talking about Dragon Ball Z, food and Milan. I look into the play area and see some girls pointing at us. Have people noticed us? I think to myself but I'm instantly answered when they run over to us.

"Hey girls" Calum says when they reach us. "You alright?" he says and they all scream.

"Girls would you like to sit with us?" Michael says and they all shout 'yes' "one condition, just treat us like normal boys?" he says to the girls who nod and sit down with us. There are only about 5 girls here.

"Who are these?" one girl asks pointing to Abi, Amba and Ruby

"Oh that's Amba, she's Luke's girlfriend" Calum points to Amba who is rested on my chest between my legs. "That's Abi, she's Ashton's girlfriend" he points to Abi who is sat hand in hand with Ash "and this is Ruby, she's mine" he says cuddling Ruby who is sat between his legs. The girls smile.


After hugging the girls goodbye we leave to go home. Spending hours at the park with the girls was so nice. So happy they treated us like normal boys.

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