Chapter 75

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Danni's POV

After being so exhausted after the swimming with horses we fall straight to sleep. My eyes flicker opens and I smile at the sight of Michaels full of sleep face, relaxed, lips slightly curved downwards. I check the time 10pm. Too late to go out now. I shake Michael awake and his eyes flicker open.

"What's the matter?" he smiles rubbing his eyes

"Nothing, it's 10pm, it's too late to go out now, shall we just get something to eat at the bar?" I say propping myself up on one arm

"We can still go out" he said getting out of bed. "Just go to a bar"

We he dressed and head for Jammin' Bar - my old favourite bar just down the road. After a couple of drinks I feel light headed, I should sit down but I drag Michael to dance.

"Move bitch" a large brunette with too much make up on shoves me out of the way and starts grinding against Michael. Michael being too drunk to notice carries on dancing behind her with his hands on her hips. I could feel the vile building up in my throat, tears forming in my eyes whilst I look at Michael and this slut dancing together. I have to get out. I barge my way past everyone and head outside.

I sit on the curb with my head in my hands.

"Danni?" a familiar voice says. I look up, Ruby! What's she doing here?

"Ruby?" I say and she sits now beside me and puts her arm around me.

"What's the matter?" she says resting her head on my shoulder.

"Michaels pissed and dancing with some slut" I cry.

"He wouldn't if he was sober. You know what he's like when he's drunk" she says stroking my hair.

"Anyway what are you doing here?" I ask

"I'm here with Cal, Amba, Luke, Abi and Ashton, I don't know where they are actually" she says looking around for them.

"Luke!" I shout when I see a blonde quiff heading towards me. They start to run over.

"Hey! Where's Mike?" he asks looking around for my green haired boyfriend. I nod inside "ooooh, right" he says before marching into the bar.

Michael's POV

My heads spinning, my vision blurred. I see a tall guy with a quiff walk straight for me. Luke? no it can't be. I'm too drunk for this.

"What the fuck are you doing?" it is Luke! he grabs me by the arm and pulls me away.

"I'm danccccing with Danni what the fffuck doesss it looook like?" I say slurring my words.

"Look who she really is!" he spits. What the fuck? I look at the brunette I've been dancing with for the last 10 minutes and pull my hair.

"Who the fuck are you?" I spit at the girl.

"I'm Gemma" she says, looking at me, her make up smudged. She leans in and kisses me. What the fuck? I pull away almost instantly wiping her from my lips. I run out to see Danni sat on the curb with Ruby's arm around her surrounded my Luke, Calum, Ashton, Abi and Amba. When did these get here?

"Danni" I say putting my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise. my heads all over the place" I say and she nods. Just like that?

"Can we go back now?" she says to me. Clear that she's been crying.

"Yeah of course" I nod taking her by the waist. "where are you guys staying?" I turn to our new company.

"Alykanas Beach" Abi says nodding to the hotel we are heading for.

"Since when?" I say. I can feel myself become sober

"Well all our anniversaries are around the same time so we thought we would come here with you guys. We've just got here" Amba interrupts. Luke puts his arm around her neck as they walk together.

We say goodbye to everyone and go our separate ways to our rooms.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I ask Danni as she has been silent since the bar.

"Yeah I'm fine Michael" she says as she turn the key in the door. She walks straight into the bedroom and gets changed and gets into bed.

"Danni please talk to me" I say climbing into bed next to her.

"Look Michael, yes I am sad that you were dancing with another girl but ten again I know you love me, I know you were drunk and I know you didn't realise it was some slut not me, so I'm not angry with you. I just don't want to talk about it" she says before kissing me and rolling over so her back is to me. I can feel the tension as we drift to sleep.

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