Chapter 66

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Michael's POV

"it's our 2 years tomorrow" Michael says taking me by the waist.

"Oh yeah!" I say and we look at our tattoo and smile. What will happen tomorrow then.

"I've got something planned for you" he smiles then kisses me a short sweet kiss leaving me wondering what the surprise will be. I can hardly wait for tomorrow.

"Shall we go and see the 1D boys?" Michaels asks

"Sure" I reply before we walk to the car.

We step out of the car and are bombarded with paparazzi.

"Danni! how does it feel to be with one of the boys from the hottest band?" "Danni! over here" "Danni tell me the details on your relationship" the paparazzi question Danni, she looks uncomfortable and claustrophobic so I push then aside and walk into the boys house.

"First taste of fame hey?" I tease and she gives me a evil look. I don't think she liked that. We are greeted by Niall with a warm hug an shown inside.

"Hey how you doing?" he says, his accent showing.

"Great thanks" Danni replies with a smile.

"I heard it's your 2 years tomorrow!" he says but stops when I gesture to him.

".. Yeah it is" Danni says slowly looking from Niall to me.

"Danni Michael!" Louis shouts as he walks through the door and hugs us. "How are you?"

"Guys!" Harry says walking in after Louis followed by Liam and Zayn who stay quiet but hug us.

"What brings you here" Zayn asks.

"Just fancied seeing you boys" I smiled.

"Awwww! Michael!" Louis says in a high pitched voice wrapping his arm around my neck.

We sit there for at hours talking about Game Of Thrones, Dragon Ball Z and FIFA which surprisingly Danni plays.

"I think we should go now. It's 8pm and we need sleep for tomorrow" I wink at the boys making them laugh.

"Danni doesn't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Don't tell her please man" I whisper to Niall when I hug him goodbye and he nods in agreement.

We get home, I make some spaghetti for us both.

"This is amazing!" Danni says slurping her spaghetti.

"It's my speciality" I smile. After we've eaten dinner we go straight to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow!

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