Chapter One: Making the Mistake

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“Gabriela López will you pay attention,” Irina snapped as she dragged her friend through the club, she didn't know what it was but lately Gabriela had been annoying her; the blonde hadn't been herself and she blamed what was going on at the publishing house.

The blonde was dressed in a berry tulip dress with embellished shoulder paired with black heeled sandals with metal trim; she hadn't wanted to come out but her best friend had been insistent.

“Sorry, I’m just worried about my job… they’re firing people again and I have a meeting with the head of the company at the end of the month,” Gabriela apologised, she knew that she wasn’t the best company right now and she had a feeling that things were only going to get worse; she wanted her parents to be proud of her and things were going badly.

Irina rolled her eyes, she had never understood why her friend wanted to work as an editor, and she had told Gabriela that she should have become a model but her friend loved books too much.

“Well let’s just forget about it tonight, you’re only an intern anyway,” Irina said making her friend glare at her, she hated when her friends dismissed her choice in career just like her parents did; they had hoped that she would get involved with their church.

The two women made their way over to their friends when Gabriela felt the hairs on the back of her neck; she glanced behind her to see a man watching her.

Gabriela blushed as she turned away from the man and focused on her friend, she knew that whatever he wanted it couldn't be good; she knew better than to get involved with a man from a nightclub.

“So how is work?” Gabriela asked as she looked at Irina, who lit up at her favourite subject; the blonde smiled as her friend talked about the shoots that she had done lately, completely unaware that her friend wasn’t listening to her.

Gabriela nodded her head as she pretended to listen to what Irina was saying, she knew that there was nothing that she could say that would interest her friend anyway; Irina had always been the same.

“Excuse me,” said a bartender as he appeared holding a drink making Irina smirk a little surprised that this was happening to her so early in the night; she reached for the drink only for the bartender to shake his head and nod at Gabriela, who blinked shocked that it was for her.

“From the man at the bar,” the bartender said before he nodded his head back at the man that Gabriela had seen not moments ago; she swallowed as she tried to wrap her head around this while Irina huffed annoyed that the man hadn’t sent her a drink.

“Garcias,” the blonde said as she shook her head wondering why he had chosen her and not her friend; she was used to men ignoring her in favor of her friend so this was new to her.


Gabriela wasn’t sure how she ended up talking to the man from the bar, she still didn’t even know his name but she knew that the more she talked to him, the more she liked him more than she should.

“So what do you do?” the man asked making Gabriela smile at him softly, she ignored Irina’s looks of annoyance that she wasn’t the centre of attention; she brushed some blonde hair from her blue eyes as she looked at him. The man smiled as he watched her.

“I’m nothing special… just an assistant for a book editor,” she said making him look at her; he nodded his head as he watched, he ran a finger down her tanned arm, he wasn’t used to women like her and he liked it.

Gabriela paused as she looked at him, she had drunk a little more than she was used to but she didn’t want to find herself in a situation where she couldn’t fend for herself.

The man moved closer to her as he pulled her to his warm body, his lips eagerly against hers as he held her close; he wrapped his arms around her and held her close as they continued to kiss.

“How about we head back to my hotel room?” the man whispered softly as he held her close, his lips kissing a trail down her neck as she went to say no; the words died on her lips as she tried to remember why she couldn’t.


Gabriela stared around the room shocked as she felt the man press up against her back after he had closed the door behind them, his lips trailed down his neck as he looked turned the blonde to face him.

“God, I need you so badly,” he murmured as he brushed his lips against hers, the blonde ran her fingers through his hair as he pulled her into another kiss; he held her close as they moved towards the bed.

The man slowly started to remove her dress and allowed it to pool at her feet revealing her wine mesh and eyelash lace bra and brief set making Gabriela swallow as she stared at him; she was nervous and she hated to admit it but she didn’t know what she was doing.

The man’s brown eyes darkened as he looked her over, he pushed her back onto the bed as he pulled his shirt over his body revealing the tattoos that littered his tanned body making Gabriela swallow nervously.

The blonde removed her shoes as she watched him, she knew that she should really stop before they got too far but she couldn’t bring herself to; she watched as he slowly unbuckled his jeans before pushing them down his legs to reveal his white boxer briefs which soon followed his jeans to the floor.

“Tell me you want me,” the man said as he watched her hungrily, he knew what they were doing was wrong; he had a girlfriend who was waiting for him at home and yet the only thing he wanted right now was laying in front of him.

“I want you,” the blonde said as she watched him, she moaned softly in the back of her throat as her mind begged her to remember something.

The man smirked as he carefully climbed on top of Gabriela, he knew that this wasn’t going to fix the pain that he was feeling; he felt horrible right now and had gotten a little drunker than he had expected.

His lips eagerly found hers as he pinned her hands above her head, he grinned as he thought about tying her down while he had her; he knew that he had to be careful since he didn’t need the press finding out that he had been unfaithful to his girlfriend of nearly a year.

“You never told me your name,” Gabriela whimpered as she allowed him to strip her bare, he licked his lips hungrily as he admired her naked body beneath his.

The man watched her knowing that he couldn’t wait much longer, his body ached and he wanted to do something that would make him forget for the night.

“Sergio,” the man said as he started to kiss down her neck, he listened as she moaned softly as she kept her hands above her head; she blinked as she watched him nervously before he claimed her lips, he was pleased that she understood what he wanted from her.

The two slowly fell into a small routine between them, Gabriella gasped her cries of pleasure as she allowed Sergio to have his way with her; she closed her eyes as he panted into her neck.

One of his hands pinned her hands to the bed while one moved to hook one of her legs around his hip so that he could bury himself deeper inside of her.

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