Chapter Three: Returning to Work

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Gabriela yawned as she walked into the local café to collect her boss’s morning coffee, it had been two weeks since her holiday in Ibiza and the blonde wasn’t sure what was wrong with her; she hadn’t felt right since her one night stand.

“Mañana Gabs, the usual I take it,” the cute barista said making the blonde smile at him and nod her head, she had been working for Jack Hernandez as an assistant for over a year now and the two had gotten to know each other pretty well.

“Mañana Jace,” Gabriela said with a shy smile, she leant against the counter as she waited for her order while she checked her phone; the bell on the door rang as someone else walked into the café.

Gabriela glanced up as she spotted a woman dressed in expensive designer clothes, she walked forward talking into her phone and glared at the blonde who looked down at what she was wearing.

Gabriela was wearing a kimono top in circle print and black disco pants paired with black leather platforms for work, she shifted nervously as she turned her attention away from the brunette who pursed her lips as she continued to talk on her phone.

“Espresso, steamed non-fat milk and a sugar-free flavoured syrup,” the woman said to Jace, who rolled his eyes as he smiled at Gabriela before moving away to make the order; he glanced at the blonde who silently checked her phone as she waited for her orders.

“I’ll be there amor, I’m just waiting for my order,” the brunette promised as she fluffed her hair as she glanced at Gabriela, she wasn’t sure why but she had a feeling that she had seen the blonde before.

“Filtered coffee and steamed milk and a Jasmine orange tea,” Jace said as he produced Gabriela’s order and pushed it towards her, the blonde smiled him as she collected the order and offered him a quick goodbye as she spotted the brunette was getting annoyed.


“Gabriela nice of you to finally join us,” Jack said as he glared at the blonde as she hurried into his office with his drink, she apologised softly before she realised that they weren’t alone; Gabriela blushed as she set down her boss’s coffee and handed him the files that he would need for the day.

It was only when she looked at who was in the room that she noticed him, Gabriela stilled as she stared at Sergio wondering why he was there; she blinked softly for a moment before Jack signalled for her to leave.

Hurrying out of the office, Gabriela sighed as she walked towards her desk and moved her black satchel bag with Aztec weave panel off her desk chair and slipped it under her desk.

“Did you see who is in the office with Jack?” the office gossip whispered as she stopped by Gabriela’s desk, her eyes were focused on the office door as she waited to see what the blonde knew about the man that was sat in their bosses office.

“I did,” Gabriela said keeping the fact that she had also slept with the man to herself, the blonde quietly types up a couple of emails before the gossip speaks again.

“I mean why is Sergio Ramos here?” the gossip asked making Gabriela pause as she wondered why that name sounded familiar; she looked at the gossip confused as she tried to figure out what she was meant to say.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know who Sergio Ramos is?” the gossip asked as she looked at Gabriela who shook her head, she had been focusing on her studies for so long and was trying to make something of herself that she didn’t pay much attention to gossip magazines.

“He’s a famous footballer, he’s won three La Ligas, a Copa Del Rey, two Supercups, he helped Spain win the world cup and two European cups,” the gossip said as Gabriela stared at her, she suddenly felt ill as she realised that she had given her virginity to someone that probably bedded different girls every night and she had been one of them.

“Nope never heard of him,” Gabriela said as she turned back to what she was doing, she smiled to herself as the gossip huffed annoyed that she didn’t seem to care about the man that was in Jack’s office; she stalked away making Gabriela sigh wondering how to react now.

Shaking her head as she tried to concentrate, she jumped when she heard someone slam open the office door and mutter annoyed as they walked towards her; the woman slammed her bag onto Gabriela’s desk making the blonde look up at her.

“I have a meeting with Senor Hernandez,” the woman said as Gabriela recognised her as the woman from the café, she pursed her lips as she looked down at Gabriela in disgust before the blonde reached over and picked off her office phone so that she could phone into her boss’s office.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Jack but there is someone here to see you,” Gabriela said as she looked at the woman who looked bored as she looked around the office, it made the blonde curious about why she was meeting with Jack who told Gabriela to show her in.

Clearing her throat, Gabriela pushed herself to her feet and signalled for the woman to follow her; she sighed when the woman seemed to look her up and down in disapproval before Gabriela showed her into Jack’s office.

The woman walked straight passed Gabriela and wrapped her arms around Sergio and kissed him on the lips, she smirked as she glanced back at the blonde who looked away feeling sick as she realised who the woman was.

“Gracias Gabriela,” Jack said as he dismissed the blonde who slipped out of the room without a word, the woman took Sergio’s hand as she sat down next to him pleased with herself; she knew that this was an important meeting for him and wanted to show her support.

Sergio tried to get his head around the fact that he had ran Gabriela again, he had thought that she was from Ibiza and after their one night stand he wouldn’t be seeing her again; he never suspected that she might have been on holiday as well.

Sergio swallowed back the regret that built in his chest, he had thought that she was some sort of fan-girl that had jumped into bed when he had offered to sleep with her; he had felt horrible after she had left and he discovered blood on the bed sheets and it had taken him a while to realise that she had been a virgin.

“So you are interested then?” Jack asked as he looked at Sergio hopefully, he had been thrilled when René had called him with the news that the footballer was looking to do something in the area of writing.

“Of course, it would be a great opportunity,” René said as he glanced at his brother and his girlfriend, he knew that Sergio needed to start thinking about a life after football and this was the best option for him right now.

Sergio nodded his head, he knew that football wasn’t forever and even if he was twenty-seven, René was starting to force him to think about his future and this was one of their options.

“So a book series?” Pilar asked as she looked at her boyfriend, she knew that she had been late but if the barista had served her first then she wouldn’t have had to wait so long for her drink; she didn’t know what it was but the blonde annoyed her for some reason.

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